Thursday, July 29, 2010

Vegetarian Cats

One HOT July afternoon (check out those Thunder Clouds) a group of kids and instructors got together for a friendly game of soccer - Well not exactly full blown soccer but they were kicking soccer balls so that counts. 
The plan was for the instructors to be cats and the kids were mice guarding their cheese, (aka - the soccer ball) and if the cats woke up you had to get your cheese away from them as quickly as you could.  Sounds pretty simple right?  Well not if you are Coleen who had to pipe up with,  "Don't cats eat mice?"!  Good thing the teachers were on their toes as they explained to her that they were, "Vegetarian Cats!"  Never a dull moment when Coleen is around for sure.  Can you believe those kids played for an hour in temperatures close to 100 degrees.  Ah to be young again and able to withstand the heat.  Grandma sat in what shade there was and drank ice water but I was more then happy when it was time to return home to a nice air conditioned house.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The 4th or rather the day after...

Hello!  Did you all have a wonderful 4th of July weekend?  We celebrated a bit differently this year.  Mike had to work on Sunday so we planned our festivities for Monday instead.  We did take in the fireworks on Sunday night and enjoyed them.
Coleen had a few of those "Poppers" that shoot out confetti streamers and make a popping sound.  Here is a picture of her shooting one.
There was also a gorgeous sunset that night and I managed to get a picture of it.

Monday we packed up a picnic lunch and met up with my middle brother, Richard and his family for a fun time at a park up the South Fork of the Walla Walla River.  The park is called, Harris Park.

We had a really fun time eating, visiting and relaxing.

Coleen and Greta played some badminton (sort of) and I got a great shot of Coleen enjoying playing.

Mike played a short game of Horseshoe's by himself so I snapped a picture while he was tossing the shoes. 

 It was rather "cool" up there so people were walking around wrapped up in blankets if they weren't moving around to keep warm.  Talk about weird weather...I mean it was barely in the 70's and down to around 56 on the night of the 4th and now a few days later it's almost 100 degrees...Good Grief!

Here is a picture of my brother Richard leaning up against a sign posted at the park
Then a picture of my mom and I taken in the trunk of a tree on the grounds.
The tree was rather odd looking so I'm including a picture of the trunk

Finally a couple of pictures of some wildlife that we saw in the yard of one of the many homes on the drive up to the park. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Swim Said The Mama Just as Fast as You Can

Hi today's post is all about Coleen.  She has been taking swimming lessons this summer so I thought that I would show you a few pictures and a little Video of her at the pool.  I hope this video works as it took "forever" to upload.  You can see her swimming in the photo's below and also "goofing off" when she wasn't in the pool.  This past Friday was the Playday for the first session and it required an adult in the pool with her.  Okay you can probably guess where this is leading.  Since mommy works that meant Grandma had to get in the pool.  Now mind you Grandma hasn't worn a swimming suit in YEARS nor can she swim very well.  
                                           However I did manage to find a halfway decent bathing suit that covered up most of my "flab" and off I went into the pool with her.
You can see we had  a lot of fun together and she'll be taking another session after the 4th.