Monday, May 21, 2018

Tea Cup/Mug Exchange Reveal

This past week was the "reveal" for the 12th annual Tea Cup/Mug Exchange hosted by the wonderful, Stephanie for the Enchanting Rose blog.

I wanted to share what I received from my partner, Bee.  Bee doesn't have a blog.

She sent some Italian Roast coffee,  It had a deep, rich flavor.  A Milk Chocolate Bar, can't go wrong with chocolate and that cute mug.

Here is a picture of the mug by itself.

Bee must know I love cats! - Calico's are a favorite of ours, we have 2 of them.

The mug had a hidden surprise....

Inside is a cute little mouse!  - Hard to photograph but very cute.

Thank you so much Bee for the nice gifts.

Thanks also to Stephanie for hosting once again.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Willy-Nilly Friday Five and Feline Friday - May 11, 2018

Hello & Welcome - I took a couple of weeks off from blogging to recoop from everything that has been going on.  - Thanks for sticking with me & for all your support.

Joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for WILLY-NILLY FRIDAY FIVE

Click on photo to enlarge.

1.  I was on my mom's porch the other day watering her flowers when I happened to see something that you usually don't see in town. - I hurried to the car where I knew my camera was and managed to get off a couple of quick shots before it was too late.  So what did I see?.....

This gal and her horse were just out for a little stroll down the sidewalks of town.
2.  There are "aliens" among us...

Coleen being "goofy" - For those interested her leg is healing nicely and she is getting around much better on her crutches.
3.  Took a drive up to Bennington Lake the other day to see if they had filled it with water yet (they drain most of the water during the winter).  Sure enough people were out fishing.  This guy is fishing off one of those little paddle boats.

4.  Spring is in full bloom now.  I though my Azaleas looked so pretty and colorful that I just had to share them.  The Yellow one is new as my old yellow one died this past winter so I had to replace it.

 5.  The "Buffet" was open this morning...

I enjoy seeing what shows up after I leave the food out. - It's raining here today (again) but warmer weather is expected back soon.
Also joining FELINE FRIDAY (Comedy Plus)
Caught this sweet shot of Coleen and her cat, Pepper taking a nap together the other day. 


Leaving you with a musical selection to start your Mother's Day weekend off.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there & for those who's mother's have passed on may you cherish her memory & know that she's still with you in spirit.