Friday, May 31, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five - May 31, 2019

I'm Still Alive! - Wow an entire month has passed by and I'm finally posting.  Let me tell you all I really miss blogging but taking care of my mom has become pretty much a "full-time" job anymore so blogging kinda gets put on the back burner.

Anyway I'm happy to post today for Tom's:  WILLY NILLY FRIDAY FIVE
1.  I've been busy this month planting flowers and weeding etc... on of the things I did was refurbish this decorative dog that my mom keeps on her porch.  See how "sad" he looks.

Here he is all fixed up after I painted him.  Doesn't he look happy now!

2. Here's just a few of the many pots of flowers that I planted and put on her porch this year.
3.  Had to show at least one Lilac photo from my mom's tree.  It was loaded with gorgeous blooms this year and for a change it didn't rain and knock them all off the tree before they could finish blooming.

4.  While waiting for the "Ducky Derby"to start I snapped a few sky shots.  The annual Derby was held May 18 and you might think this is snow but it's actually fuzz off of Cottonwood trees.

Also happened to catch a plane on it's way to the airport.

5.  Coleen and her friend, Helen enjoying their walk up the path to where the race starts and of course some shots of the ducks on their way down the creek to the finish line.

Once again none of my ducks won any of the prizes.  I'll try again next year.

6.  Memorial Day picnic in my mom's front yard.  Lots of good food.

Bonus shots:

 Allium in full bloom.

 Took this shot in the evening and happened to notice an orange lamp in the window of the house where I shot the allium so I leaned down and captured the orange glow behind the flower.  I think it looks really cool.

Pretty Peacock feathers at the park.

That's it for this edition.  Hope you have enjoyed the photos and have a great weekend.  -  Here's to June and Strawberry season!!!