Friday, July 19, 2019

Willy Nilly Friday Five - July 19, 2019

Happy Friday!

Joining Tom (The Backroads Traveller) for:

Playing "catch-up" on what's been happening the last 2 months.

1.  Coleen graduated from the 8th Grade in June.  It's hard to believe she will be starting High School in the Fall.  Here is a picture of her before we went to her graduation ceremony.

2.  She was a busy girl as she participated in a week long music camp and performed a number on the drums and sang.  There were 3 other girls who sang in her group number.

3.  During one of my photo outings I caught this shot of a Robin on the Sculpture at the Airport.

4.  On a drive with my mom up to Bennington Lake I thought this field and it's tracks made for an interesting photograph.

5.  Spotted this Pheasant out in a field on yet another drive with my mom.

6.  Getting the "Raspberry" from a deer we spotted on another drive.

7.  The 4th of July was nice.  We didn't go anywhere but made a great dinner that we ate at home and then went to watch the Fireworks.  Coleen loves to do Face Painting and Body art so she did herself up to celebrate the holiday.

8.  My photo that I took for 52 Frames (Edited by someone else) This was my edit:

and this was the edit that my partner did:

9.  I've been working a lot in the flower beds, weeding, watering etc...
This is a Rudbekia plant that I bought this year.  I think it's gorgeous.

That's it for me today.  Hope you all have enjoyed the photos and have a super great weekend.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Kitty Mania

One of my favorite things in the world are CATS incase you weren't aware of that.

Every Monday there is a post that I enjoy from the Plain Chicken blog called,  Meow Monday where she showcases their cats.  Please check it out.

Anyway I thought it would be fun to do something similar with our cats but since we have so many I'm doing them this week in Collage Form.

We have 9 cats that live at our house and one cat that lives next door at my mom's house that we rescued several years ago so he's going in the post too.

Please click to enlarge photos.  They are all in order from the oldest to the youngest.

From left to right...Miss Dottie (our 19 year old cat),  Harley J our oldest male and Captain Cuddles

Several of the cats were sleepy and would wake up for shots with their eyes open.

Next up is Piglet (that's my mom's cat) and then Spooky-Boo and finally Bandit.


Top Row:  Pepper,  Caramel Honeybun,
Bottow Row:  Speedy G and Gidget.

For those of you wondering, I'm still alive it's just been a busy & stressful summer and I haven't had much time for posting.