Saturday, December 31, 2022

Farewell 2022 - See You Next Year

Hello and Welcome! - Yes this year has not been one where I've posted much on the old blog. - Can't really say why but I hope to start posting (and commenting) more in 2023.
Christmas here was nice, albeit slightly different then normal.  For one this we had SNOW (Ugh).  We usually don't have a "White Christmas" here but God decided we needed one for a change.  
One exciting thing though was that our houses made the front page of the Newspaper for our decorations. 

These photos were taken prior to the snow we eventually got.  Here is what they looked like Christmas Eve...


Normally we go out to eat on Christmas Eve, which we did.  We had Chinese food.  The roads were somewhat slick but not enough to keep us from going out. - We didn't go look at lights though like we usually do. - Came back home, opened stocking gifts, wrapped presents and went to bed.
Christmas morning we had the small family gathering at our house around 7:30 where we opened our gifts.  Then it was off to my nieces house for the family breakfast.
After the breakfast we went home and just relaxed.  Instead of fixing a huge dinner we opted to order take-out Mexican food instead.  I did make a dessert but that was all the cooking I did.  It felt good to not have to rush around preparing a big meal.
Overall it was a very pleasant day.
Now the snow that was there Christmas Eve disappeared the day after Christmas.  It warmed up to 50 degrees overnight with rain and by Tuesday it was all gone!
Getting ready to ring in the New Year tonight but I wanted to catch you all up on the holiday happenings. - My apologies for not visiting or commenting on your blogs much lately.  - I plan to improve on that in 2023.  -  See You Next Year!