Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Easter - Part 2


Jojo getting ready to go out and hunt eggs. - The ball was part of her Easter presents from Grandma and Grandpa.

She was having a lot of fun looking for the eggs and the rabbits.

A couple of creative spots where the eggs were hidden.  We didn't mow that week so the grass was tall enough to hide eggs in.
Her sister helped to hide the eggs along with Anna (a friend of Jupiter (Coleen) who lives with them.

Getting warmer....

Found it!

All eggs and rabbits were found.

Finally a picture of the delicious meal prepared by Adam & Greta and myself.

Ham, Roasted Red Potatoes, Carrots, Roasted Asparagus with onions and mushrooms, Pineapple. - Dessert was served later.  Didn't get a picture of that though.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Easter Part 1

Welcome!  - I'm up and running again with a brand new computer system.  It may take me awhile to get use to this as I accidentally published this post to the wrong blog and then deleted it so I had to start all over.

Every year the Exchange club puts on an Easter Egg Hunt at Pioneer Park.  This is the banner that was on the Gazebo.

Jojo (Joelle) waiting for the hunt to start.

The large duck from the upcoming Ducky Derby (May 18, 2024) was there.

Both the Easter bunny and the duck were available for photos but with such a huge crowd it was almost impossible to get one.

Candy, eggs and rubber ducks were all over the place.

Jojo wasn't afraid at all of heading out into the crowd to gather eggs.

Big sister followed her out along with her mom while I tried to keep up and get pictures.

This was just a small section of the huge crowd of people that were there. - I forgot to get a picture of Jojo with her basket of eggs but she had a great time and that's what matters.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoyed this little slice of our life.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Offline for a few days

 Howdy,  Just a heads up I will be missing on the blog for a few days.  We are upgrading our computer system.  Hope to be back visiting you all soon.