Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Morning Silliness

Hey it's Monday so I thought I'd start your week off with some SILLY pictures...Check out the "raspberry" that Captain Cuddles is giving you.  That's what we think of heading back to work!  By the way Coleen took this picture.  It actually had 2 of our cats in the picture but when I saw the expression on Cuddles face I cropped the other cat out (shame)because this one just looked so silly I couldn't resist letting him shine all by himself in the photo.

Now for some Coleen silliness...She wanted to make funny faces so I thought I'd snap a few pictures and these two were my favorites.  FUN!

Now go forth and enjoy your day!


  1. OMG those pictures are hilarious. I don't know what's funnier, the kitty or Coleen. Just too cute.

  2. These pictures are so much fun! And cute! :)


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