Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Is one of my front teeth!  Yep,  She finally lost a tooth.  It's been loose for about 2 weeks but she didn't want anyone messing around in her mouth.  Yesterday after school her mom, Grandma and Granny (aka Great-grandma) all took turns trying to pull the tooth.  No such luck.  Mommy tried the string trick which didn't work at all.  Grandma tried pulling it but she was fussing so badly it was upsetting me.  Granny was the most successful getting it loose enough to bleed but not all the way out as when it started bleeding Coleen got scared and wouldn't let us touch her tooth anymore.

Last night I got a phone call from one very excited little girl.  She was talking a mile a minute but was just thrilled that her tooth had come out.  She told me, "It just popped out on my tongue and I didn't swallow it!"  I asked her if it hurt and she said, "Not one bit Grandma!"  She had to call Granny too as she was just busting with excitement.

Of course the "Tooth Fairy" visited last night and left a good sum of money (Grandma donated $5 to the fund.) So here is the result from last night's visit from the Tooth Fairy.
She told us she's going to save this money until her next tooth comes out (yeah, right).  Hopefully the next one won't scare her about pulling it out.  She told Granny this morning that the next time she's going to just keep, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling the tooth until it pops out.

One last shot (Sorry for the poor photo quality.  Sometimes my camera just doesn't cooperate.)


  1. Coleen needs to meet Collin...he wiggles and wiggles that tooth until it comes out and with lots of blood! That is one generous tooth fairy too :)!!!

  2. WOW, now that the tooth fairy has come by, Coleen won't mind losing those teeth! Cute pictures.

  3. Wow! What a generous Tooth Fairy Coleen has!


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