Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Tricks n Treats

Well here it is November 1st already! - Yes, Halloween is past now but I want to pay tribute to all those kids out there who dressed up for some Halloween fun.

First is Coleen and her teacher after school on Friday.  Mommy had forgot about sending her in her regular costume so Grandma had to rush home and get something for her to dress up in as she had a "mini-melt down" when she saw all the kids wearing the costumes that morning and she didn't have one on.  Thank goodness we had the Princess dress "Granny" (my mom) made her and a crown.

Next is our local Downtown Halloween celebration which was held Friday evening.

Coleen getting candy from the Madhatter.

A Mummy on the street (didn't know the kid but liked his costume).

Coleen and .... Can you guess what this is?  If you are a native to Walla Walla or lived here for very long you will recognize this as a "Walla Walla Sweet" for our famous sweet onions!
Coleen under a large scary cat.

My favorite from the downtown pics....Do you know what these two were dressed as.  I knew it was something that I was familiar with but couldn't quite place my finger on it.  At dinner I showed Mike the picture and he recogized it to but just couldn't figure it out.  Then it hit me so I had to do a "Google" search.  This is none other then:
"Spy vs Spy" from Mad Magazine.

From Halloween night, Coleen and my great-nephew Andrew.

Also my brother sent a photo of my other great-nephew Timothy that I had to share as well as he just looks so doggone adorable as a pirate.

Till next year....HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


  1. Very cute pictures, looks like a lot of fun and Coleen looks like she raked in the candy.

  2. Coleen looks wonderful in her Princess dress! Looks like she had so much fun this Halloween! Thank you so much for sharing all the pictures!


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