Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sweet Coleen, and a little bit of Nature

I didn't want Fall to come and go without showing you the "Annual" trip to the Pumpkin Patch photo.  This is my favorite of all the pictures that I took.  Isn't that outfit Fun! (Grandma) got it for her.  She even wore it to school the other day even though Halloween has come and gone.

These next photos are pictures of a little Squirrel that I've been feeding lately.  The first one shows the squirrel eating from a Sunflower plant that the back neighbors grew this summer.  The next photo is (maybe the same squirrel) with some peanuts that I've been leaving out.  Check out how many peanuts it was trying to stuff in it's mouth!

Hubby made me a feeder which we put out on the fence today.  So far I have not been able to get pictures of the squirrel in the feeder but I did get one of our "Squirrely" cats in the feeder before we put it outside!

Lastly I want to share Coleen's School picture because we just think it's so CUTE!

Back again this week with a few other photo's I'd like to share.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pumpkin patch picture and of course the school picture. The squirrel with nuts is cute too, even the kitty in the box. Great pic's.


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