Friday, December 10, 2010

Scatterbrain tales

Yesterday was "One of those days"...Here I was busily working away at addressing Christmas cards when the phone rang.  It was hubby, we chatted for a few and then I went back to working on my card.  Shortly after the phone rings again and I'm thinking, "Geez, I'm never going to get anything done."  I answer the phone and it's the Dentist office calling wondering why I'm not at my appointment.  Seems I was suppose to be there at 9:40 but I wrote down 10:40 and here it was almost 10:00 and I'm 20 minutes late!  I dashed off to the Dentist without brushing my teeth and just after taking my medications without eating.  - More on that in later.

I get there and a car is trying to back out so I'm trying to be patient while they back out so I can pull in.  I wave at the driver as I drive past them and pull into the parking space.  The car then turns around and heads back towards me.  I'm wondering if I did something to upset them as the driver rolls down the window.  Then she speaks to me, "Hey aren't you even going to wave at me?" - Turns out the driver is my niece!!
I told her I was already 20 minutes late and she is laughing at me as I head off for my appointment.

Thankfully the procedure didn't take long and I didn't get sick from not eating before I left. It was close though as the meds had started to kick in just before I headed home and quickly fixed a sandwich to ward off the nausea that was starting.

The fun didn't stop there though as when I got back home I addressed a Christmas card, sealed it up and then realized that I'd sent a card to that same person the day before. I had to take it out, put a piece of card stock over the writing so I could use it for someone else.  Later at the Post Office I can't find my driver's license (they let it slide this time) and I went and sat on a bench while going through my entire purse before discovering that it had gotten stuck to the back of another card in my purse.

I get home and am tying to clean up some of the kitchen.  I'm emptying a bunch of old Chili into a garbage back when the bag shifts and PLOP onto the floor goes all the Chili.  One big mess to clean up.

Will the fun never end! - That's what some of my days are like lately.  Do you ever have those type of days.  Feel free to share.  It will make me feel better!

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