Sunday, January 2, 2011


The "Gang" (Ida, Mike, Greta, Granny (aka my mom) and Coleen.

Fireworks - We bought a few this year and Coleen sure enjoyed them.  Maybe a few more next time.

Spent the evening eating a lot of food (Hot Wings, Meatballs, Potato Salad, Cheeses, Meats, Shrimp, Veggies, Nuts, Pigs in a Blanket and Ice Cream.

Watched Movies: (Shrek the Final Chapter and How to Train Your Dragon) - Both cute and fun.

Set off the Fireworks outside in the FREEZING cold. Had a Champagne & Ginger Ale Toast and then headed off to bed around 1:00 am.  - Not a bad start to the New Year.

New Years Day...Watched the Rose Parade, Ate left overs from the night before.  Helped take down the outside lights/decorations.  Watched another movie, (The Backup Plan) - Okay but not spectacularly entertaining either.

Day 2 or today...Went to church,  Fixed Nacho's (the last of the junk food) as we are planning on losing weight this year.  Took down the Christmas tree and put away the Nativity set. The rest of the decorations get put away this week.  Hubby shoved the couch into my big toe and bruised it pretty good. OUCH!!!

Watched Iron Chef and The Worst Cooks in America (Oh my gosh it's hard to believe that some people cook that badly.)

That's it for now.  I hope to post more regularly this year and sometimes it will be just general "chit chat" but it's a good way to keep track of what happens through out the year so I'll give it a good go and hopefully not "bore" you to death.

1 comment:

  1. Sure looks like fun Ida, always fun with the wee ones!


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