Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday Recap

Well as you know from Yesterday's post it was the anniversary of my dad's passing.  I wanted that post to be the main post of the day so today is just a recap of what else happened yesterday.

Bowling...Oh gosh do I "hate" the new oil they put on the lanes YES I DO! - In the past 3 weeks I've dropped 3 pins on my average.  Having a hard time adjusting to the way my ball rolls now with all that oil.  Scores...145-138-153

Took flowers out to the Cemetery with my mom for dad's grave.

Worked on a card which will be posted tomorrow night for the AnnaBelle challenge. which is my Stamping Blog.

Watched a movie:  The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Nicholas Cage
This one we really enjoyed.  It had some great special effects and even though the story was predictable it was fun and easy to watch.
After that I watched: Cupcake Wars & Chopped on the Food Network Challenge.

So today (Wednesday) our furnace went on the fritz (again) so we are waiting to have them come out and look at it.  It's cold outside, barely up to 30 so you know it's not going to be to warm inside either.  I'm hold up in my Stamp Room with the space heater on.  Coleen's next door with "Granny" because I don't want her getting to chilled by being at our house without any heat.

Couldn't resist the phot of Cuddles and Harley on the couch this morning.  Don't they look comfy!

1 comment:

  1. Holy moly 30 is cold. Thank goodness you have a space heater and an activity to tae your mind off the cold! Your cats do look comfy cozy. I completely understand about your dad, mine has also been gone 13 years and I wish I could have a chat with him all the time. It was lovely sharing your thoughts and picture.


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