Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You Can't Keep A Good Dog Down

It's been a few weeks since our little puppy, Cricket arrived.  You will obviously notice one BIG change when you watch this video.  Yes, she's missing her right front leg. 
On March 21st while playing outside with Coleen she fell off the back porch step and caught her leg on the chain link fence.  I was not home at the time but Mike (hubby) said that he heard her yelp loudly and raced to the door to find out what was wrong.  We couldn't feel or see any broken bones so we waited until Tuesday morning to take her in to the Veterinarian. 

Mid afternoon she called with the news that Cricket had broken her (Humerus) quite badly.  They wanted us to take her up to Washington State University to have it repaired.  The Vet told me this would cost us between $2000-3000 (possibly more).
Well after talking it over we decided to have her put down even though we knew it would break Coleen's heart.  I call the Vet back and told her and she assured me there was no need to put her down.  She explained she could amputate the leg and she'd lead a perfectly happy life as a 3-legged dog.  She told me to watch YouTube video's of 3 legged dogs so I could see for myself how easily they adapt.  Once again after a discussion about this we opted to have her leg removed.  The surgery was done on Wednesday (23rds) and this video was shot today just one week after the surgery.

Wow! Can you believe how well she gets around.  She's having a blast playing with that toy.  We are suppose to keep her calm for at least a week but it has not been easy as she wants to go, go, go!

Hope you have enjoyed this moment of silliness as much as we did.

1 comment:

  1. This is good to see. She looks very happy and unconcerned and so darn cute!


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