Thursday, October 13, 2011

31 Days of Reflection - Day 13

Well it's officially "Hair Pulling" time.  - The new computer was installed yesterday and I'm now trying to figure out a new email program as the new one doesn't use the same program as the old computer did.  It's messed with how my Address Book looks and I'm getting frustrated trying to figure everything out.  So with that said I thought my musical reflection today should be a song about frustration or going bonkers and what better song then:  They're Coming to Take Me Away by Napoleon XIV.

So this is dedicated to anyone having "One of those days" and you know the kind I'm talking about.

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope things get worked out soon Ida. A new computer is great, but in my experience it never comes without "issues."LOVE the song you chose!


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