Thursday, October 27, 2011

Delicious Autumn

Hello and Happy Friday! - First before I get to my entry for Photo Art Friday I want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and get well wishes for my mom.  I am happy to report that her BP seems to be under control now.  She had a good report at her doctor's visit on Wednesday and is feeling much better now.  I am slowly but surely catching up on e-mails and other stuff so hopefully I'll be able to visit each of your blogs and leave comments on your photos.

Here is my entry for this week.
I used Bonnie's Medieval Magic texture (again-can't seem to get enough of that one) on my photo.  Then edited further in Picnik.  Doggone I keep forgetting to write down what I do to these photo's.  At any rate I really like how this turned out and hope you do as well.

In case you can't read the quote I added:  Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ~ George Eliot.

Here is my Original Photo:

Now for those who may have noticed I have missed another couple of days of my 31 Days of Reflection musical selections.  During the past couple of days our Internet was off due to lines being cut at a construction site about 50 miles from where we live.  So I've not been able to be on the computer much and just couldn't get songs posted.

We are "Big" PBR (Professional Bull Riders) fans and the Built Ford Tough finals have started in Las Vegas this week.  In honor of that event I am posting: Willie Nelson's,
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys as today's musical selection. 


  1. Great artwork. I like old car and texture. Well done :)

  2. I love your edit of the photo! Excellent work.

  3. Ida, your treatment of the photo gives it a lovely vintage feel. Thanks so much for sharing it with Photo Art Friday.

  4. I love the image of the old truck surrounded by those wonderful pumpkins. Your application of texture works really well here.

  5. This is really nice, Ida. Great photo. Lots of pumpkin pies coming out of that load...yikes!

  6. Ida, this is just gorgeous -- a great harbinger of fall!

  7. Love the photo -- and your editing and quote are very appropriate.

    We like watching bull riding too. We usually root for the bulls. :)

  8. Your edit on that truck deserves a 100 comments! What a great job you did ! Lovely

  9. Glad your mom is feeling better.

    I love what you did with this photo--it feels so old (in a good way!)

  10. Stunning! I like compositon on your artwork. Well done :)

  11. You did a supertgreat job with your photo!

  12. Hi, I love your image, wow amazing pumpkins great effect!

  13. Hi Ida, I love what you've done with the shot, the texture work you've done looks so good . . . .beautiful work. Teresa x

  14. Wow! Nice composition, I like the light and smooth texture.

  15. I love this photo - the old truck and pumpkins just shout autumn! I like the composition and everything - then when you add the textures, it raises the pic to another level (which is the point, isn't it?) - now it feels so vintage.

    Thanks for the visit -

  16. Love what you did with this
    and thanks for showing the original photo.
    I'm a big fan of vintage vehicles.
    Good processing.

  17. I love the texture and the words you added to your image. What a great fall photo!!

  18. Oh my gosh, that photo should be on the front of a magazine, it's just beautiful. Love what you are doing, wish I knew how. Awesome.

  19. Your photo is a good one, and your editing made it even better. Great work!

  20. Wow, I don't know which photo I like better, your original is fantastic as it is!


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