Monday, October 3, 2011

Macro Monday and 31 Days of Reflection-Day 3

Hello and Happy Monday!
Today I'm combining two very different challenges.  First up I recently discovered Macro Monday (Lisa's Chaos) so I want to share this picture I took recently for that:
This is my 1st time participating.

I captured this shot on one of my flowers and am really please with how it turned out.

Photography has always been fascinating to me and even though I haven't taken any classes or don't own a fancy camera I want to learn and someday I hope to get a better camera and take some classes but for now I am enjoying wht I can do.  The "Macro" feature is one of my favorite things about taking photo's.  I love the clarity you can get by using this feature.

The 2nd challenge I am doing today is my entry for my 31 Days of Reflection.
Today I'm featuring a link to the Fleetwood Mac song: Landslide.
I love music and this song in particular speaks to me.  The line about, " Children growing older and I'm Growing older too" hits home.  Life is always changing and one can never go back in time...we can only move forward with each phase.  While there are things about my past that I'd love to change I know that's not possible.  Instead I have to concentrate on the here and now and what things can be changed so that as I do grow older I can reflect back on those memories and not feel a sadness that they weren't what I had hoped they would be.

Enjoy the song and the video.


  1. Thanks for coming by my blog. Love your macro pic of the grasshopper. And, of course, who doesn't love Fleetwood Mac--great to listen to the music -thanks. Mickie ;)

  2. What a great shot, that is one big hopper.
    Linking over from Macro Monday.

  3. I love grasshoppers and you've captured some nice details with this shot.

    Happy MM

  4. Great hopper capture! I find them so interesting and the macro world is enchanting!
    Happy shooting to you:)

  5. Great shot! Incredible detail!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Great 'hopper photo, Ida. Macros are fun, aren't they?

    And I love Landslide too. A sad song in a way... Hope you are having a good week.

  7. Love the little grasshopper. I just use a cheap little camera as well and my favorite feature is the macro setting. :)

  8. This is gorgeous. Great shot.

  9. What a nice clear picture of the grasshopper ! Now I just think when I saw one last time, must be loooong ago !

  10. Beautiful, I like the colors and details

  11. Good attempt at macro for a 1st timer!

    TQ for visiting n commenting on my post: Pushpanjali - A Floral Tribute!.

  12. This is a great macro shot!

  13. That's a wonderful capture! I'm glad you're happy with your simple camera, since I do have one too!

  14. That is such an incredible capture!!

  15. What a cute little fellow you catched here :o) And of course i love that song .)

    Found your blog from another blog :o)

    Best regards

  16. Thanks for the visit, love the shot. I have never been to classes either, started taking photographs back in 1989 with a very basic analogue camera ( it was on a key ring and had 110 mm film). Practice makes perfect, whilst a better lens makes for better results, its the person behind the camera that's important-just keep snapping, at least with digital you have the option to delete the ones that don't come out so well on screen.

  17. Så fint du skriver om dina dagar. Fin macrobild på gräshoppan. Tack för att du tittat in till mig. Anita

  18. You really captured some great detail. Nicely done.


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