Sunday, October 30, 2011

Macro Monday Meets Monster Mash

It's Monday and here in the US it's also Halloween.  One of my favorite holidays since I was a kid.  What's more fun then dressing up in a costume and going door to door filling up a bag with yummy candy!

In honor of this holiday for my Macro Monday on Lisa's Chaos & 31 Days of Reflection I am show casing Halloween Ghoulishness.

Can you guess what this is?

This is a close-up of a Floormat that I purchased many years ago and decided it made a much better wall hanging. Who would want to walk all over something this awesome.
There is no artist listed anywhere on this rug and oh how I wish there was as I just love this piece and would like to know if there is anything else out there like it. 

Talk about "Scared to Death" this look pretty much says it all.  I edited this in Black and White for a much spookier effect.

Below is what this actually is:

It's actually a Styrofoam pumpkin. The stem was chewed off by one of our cats a couple of years ago so maybe that's how the look of fear arrived on this poor pumpkins face!

For my last musical reflection I am going with:  Monster Mash by Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Cryptkickers (don't you love the name of the back-up group).

Happy Haunting!


  1. Nice Halloween themed photos! I love the close up of Frankenstein's eye!

  2. I came here after seeing your name Ida - it`s also name of my 12 years old granddaughter, who`s photos I published few days ago in my blog :)
    This Halloween is quite strange to people of my age here but it tries to come but not very fast.
    Our schoolchildren have their autumn holidays in these days but it is not Halloween holiday :)
    Regards Leena

  3. I love that floormat. I think I would use it as a wall hanging too. Mr. Pumpkin does look far more frightening in monochrome.

  4. Love, love, LOVE Halloween too!!! Excellent macro shares today. Gets me 'in the mood' for a haunting day.

    EYE spy!! is my link for today.

  5. Happy Halloween to you!

  6. Scary....
    What unusual objects Ida.

  7. And I had thought I was showing spooky stuff on my post. You beat me flat.

  8. A CLEVER LADY YOU ARE~ WHAT A COOL POST. Love all the Halloween stuff you shared with us. We live so far out in the country, we have not had one trick or treater in 34 years....isn;t that amazing. All the light are on, but no one ever shows up. Happy Halloween and thanks for the visit to my blog. genie

  9. Love the close up! It is quite artistic. It really has a tattoo feeling to it. :)
    I love those styrofoam pumpkins. I have two or three of those from years back. The black and white process is really effective.

  10. Ida, Great Halloween post--loved your photos. Very cool to do the pumpkin in B&W --most effective. Hope you had a "spooky" Halloween. Mickie :)

  11. Scary things here ;)
    Good macros!

  12. Macro Halloween ! Very nice !
    Halloween started only a few years ago slowly slowly in Belgium. Each year a little more, yesterday evening I even had kids ringing at the door asking for treats ! that was the first time in 36 years that this happened and of course I had nothing at home !

  13. A delicious and very scary photos, stunning!. I like!. Have a Happy Halloween!

  14. A delightful post for Halloween, Ida.
    Thank you for stopping by.

  15. Love what you've done with the B&W! Very creative!

  16. What great shots Ida. Never would have thought to do something like that. Well done.

  17. I love how you zoomed in on those images! Hope your Halloween was great!

  18. Great captures for Halloween, Ida. :)

  19. That video sure brought back some nostalgic moments!! Lovely photos.

  20. Hehe! I wonder why the cat chewed off the stem! You're right, that's probably why the pumpkin is scared. :)

  21. That is a pretty cool mat, so perfect for Halloween!

  22. Fun macro shots! Hope you had a happy Halloween :) XoLaura

  23. what a cool halloween post! love these spooky photos!

  24. That pumpking really turned out uber scary!! These photos are amazing!

  25. That close up of the pumpkin in black and white was scary indeed. I laughed though when I saw what it really was. :)

  26. Wow! Great series,


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