Thursday, October 20, 2011

Photo Art Friday and 31 Days of Reflection-Day 21

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you've had a good week.
It's time for Photo Art Friday at Bonnie's blog (Pixel Dust Photo Art).  I was excited this week to play around and use some of Bonnie's Free Texture's now that I've learned how to use them in the Gimp program.

Here is my original photo that I shot in Black and White
I started playing around and decided to use Bonnie's Medieval Magic Texture and  Tangled Tendrils.  In the Gimp program I overlayed both these textures using various Opacity settings.  I tried to write them down but somehow things got jumbled as to what I used and how much percentage you'll just have take the photo's as they are and next time I'll try harder to write every step down.  After adding the textures I opened the photo's in Picnik and messed around with a few edits there as well.

Here is my 1st edit:
Then I played some more and this time used, the Fanciful texture.  Once again I went to Picnik and did some other editing.  I know on this one I changed fonts on the text, used the 1960's feature and one other thing but I can't recall what it was.
I apologize again for not writing this all down.
This one is my favorite:
Since these photo's have a Spider (which by the way normally use to scare the heebie jeebies out of me) until I started photographing them.  I have decided to use, Boris the Spider as my musical Reflection.  I love this song (I know, strange but true). 


  1. this is a terrific edit, really love it! it enhances the photo so much. and the font is perfect!
    love "the who", but due to some rights this video is not available in germany :(

  2. Very clever and artistic creation.

  3. Hello Ida,
    That changes the texture of the stone background beautifully. It even makes the spider halfway acceptable :-)

  4. You did a great job with those textures. Love them (and I am terrified of spiders! Ahhh!!!)

  5. Wow! Great edits. The second edit is simply amazing. Well done!

  6. Incredible effects. I love the simplicity of the photo's composition too.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit.

    My post today is: Friday's Fragments

  7. I like that second shot a lot! Nice work! (Love all your kitty pictures in the sidebar.) Have a great weekend!

  8. Really wonderful macro. I love the texture and color.

  9. Oh wow, Ida -- I love both versions. Great editing. :)

  10. Ida, these are fantastic. I especially like the second one.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Nice editing. What is that creature anyway, a spider?

  12. Love the purple and aqua one!
    Who would have thought a spider could look so good?

  13. Wow, love your bug art, I don't know what your talking about but it looks good. By the way, love looking at all your kitties, where's the DOG?

  14. Cool edits! :)

    I really like the colors in the last one.

  15. I like your creepy, crawly spider pictures - great editing!

  16. very cool creepy crawler transformations!

  17. Wow, let me first of all say you would never catch me that close to a spider!!! Maybe from 50 feet away with a zoom lense. Love what you did with the computer art, don't have a clue on that stuff. Awesome work.


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