Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photo Art Friday - Wk. 5 Matilde

Hello and Welcome! - It's always a pleasure to have you pop in and see what is happening here on my blog.  What's exciting is that it's time for, Photo Art Friday over on Bonnie's Blog (Pixel Dust Photo Art)

Here is my piece for this week:
You will be surprised (I think) when you see the before shot of what this actually is.

I edited my photo on Picnik
Sadly I forgot to write down what things I did to the photo so I'm trying to go from memory.
I know I used the Neon feature, and the Posterize feature and also added the textured background.  I may have used (Boost) as well but I'm not totally sure.

So here is the "Before" photo:
This in itself is a piece of "Art" - This statue is one of many here in Walla Walla where I live.  I took several shots of this piece and will share those at a later date.

Here is a brief bit of information about this statue:

Matilde On Her Way To The Market by Nano Lopez catches folks attention from the front lawn of the Walla Walla, Washington, Public Library. When she was first unveiled in 2003, there were mixed reactions to her from the locals. Some thought she was just fine, others wondered who in their right mind would call her art.

When the library went into a period of renovation, Matilde had to be moved and folks began to wonder where she went. She's back, still generating comments and quizzical looks and rating high on the number of folk who just have to have their picture taken with her.
Name: Matilde On Her Way To The Market
Figure Type: Animal
Artist Name: Nano Lopez
Date created or placed: 2003
Materials used: Bronze
Location: Walla Walla Public Library


  1. love the colours - great abstracting

  2. You were right, I was surprised to see the before picture. I like the colors of your edit and the abstract quality. Very nice

  3. interesting post, ida! i love the way you altered the photo!

  4. Magnificent processed, I love the results you achieved. You enjoy the weekend.

  5. A very interesting piece Ida. I love the mystery you have created and how the eye has to dwell on the piece for a moment and then it sees the image emerge! Love how you are experimenting with your editing! Thank you for hooking up with Photo Art Friday.

  6. Hi there - Its remarkable what we can do with an image these days.

    But (please keep reading!) I do wonder if we need to keep in mind some ideas from the past - that we need to think about what we want the picture to look like before we take it - and then process to get there? Rather than take a picture and then let Photoshop work its magic? What do you think?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  7. A beautiful piece of art and I like your interpretation. :)

  8. Wow, Ida! You DID find a program to have fun with! I have never seen Matilde, so I'm going to look for her next time I'm in Walla Walla. Is that a new library? I think an Elgin construction company built it.

  9. Hello Ida! Am I crazy or weird or what, because when I first looked at your picture I thought "Isn't that the cow statue at the library in Walla Walla?" (BTW, no need to respond to the am I crazy or weird part!) I've only seen that cow a couple times when driving by in the past, but it just jumped out at me in your picture. I think it's very cool what you did with the enhancements and all. I love photography but haven't played around much with editing and enhancements.

  10. First Ida your cats are too cute!! Love their pics! And as for today's picture it is really wonderfully edited. Love that effect! Have a beautiful weekend! Hugs, Carly

  11. Now I see it clearer when it's enlarged...really like what the textures added to the photo.

  12. This is wonderful Ida!
    I love the beautiful colors.
    Perfect for this time of year.
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  13. I love the texture in this piece Ida, it's really great! ( I also really love Harvey in the sink :))

  14. What you ended up with is terrific.
    And, no, I wouldn't have imagined correctly what you started with.

  15. Hi Ida,

    Fun post with interesting subject and colors. Before I scrolled down, I guessed that it was "Babe the blue ox" from Paul Bunyan. Guess I was way off!

  16. interesting, my first thought was China, then maybe India. :) It took a while before I figured out what it was.

  17. Wonderful texture work. Both pictures are beautiful.

  18. That's an awesome photo art piece!

  19. Matilde is definitely a piece of art. I like our editing to get the abstract result. Very nice.

  20. Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
    The change from 'before' to 'after' is remarkable. The simple starting point is so far removed from the final colorful artwork. I love the red! I may have to try a few experiments like this.


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