Monday, November 7, 2011

Macro Monday - November 7

Oh my goodness I almost forgot to post my pictures for Macro Monday on Lisa's Blog.
It's always amazing to see the world up close and personal through the camera lense. 

Today I'm sharing a few pictures of a little Spider that I became rather fond of after spotting it on one of my rose bushes.  It camped out on one of the blooms for several days until the wind blew off all the petals one day.

My first shots are the spider and it's "catch of the day"

I love the detail on this as you can see the Spider looking right at me with those little "beedy" eyes!

Now he's mad because I'm intruding on his meal time so he's moving the bee off.

Okay a couple of days later I took a few more shots of my little spider friend.

By this time we were becoming pretty good friends as far as Spiders and Humans can be.  Normally I am scared to death of spiders but again after shooting this little guy so many times it was becoming less frightening to me.  Although I do admit when it started to rear up on it's back legs I backed off rather quickly.

So are you tired of my Spider friend yet...I hope not as I have two more shares.  These were taken a few days later and I actually got the spider out of the rose bloom and onto the stem so I could get some shots of the wonderful color and markings on him.

Sadly after the rose petals fell off he moved on to green pastures (or rose bushes) as I have not seen my little friend since.


  1. Great photos although I am not a big fan of spiders especially up close, but those are certainly interesting to see.

  2. Ok, I admit to being terrified of spiders, like bad! Your photos are so detailed though. Really great captures. Those eyes! Help!

  3. interesting shot showing the spider and its prey. :)

  4. That's one scary looking spider, and you did a fantastic job capturing it.

  5. Excellent shot, I love the texture, color and framing of these precious petals and the spider.

  6. Don't they have such cool markings and colors?

  7. The macro world is certainly fascinating, isn't it! Glad to see this hairy character in photos and not in my lap!

  8. Great captures, I watched a spider in my garden over several weeks, they can be very interesting.

  9. Hi Ida!

    Thank You so much for stopping by my blog and your sweet compliments on my photos!!! I have to tell you . . . the first photo was of the bracelet I wore that day! ;o)
    I loved seeing your spider friend! Those are awesome shots! I have an all new respect for spiders since I started taking macro shots!

    Lori Allberry

  10. You had a different way of capturing that tiny creature Miss Ida and I like the way you did it. Your camera must be very good.

    Thank you very much for dropping by my Macro Monday entry. More so for liking my poetry. I appreciate it.

  11. That's an absolute wonderful macro of the spider! I wish they sometimes stay still long enough for me to photograph them. By the way, those photos of the ants were taken with a point and shoot Canon S5, I have a DSLR but don't have the macro lens yet.

  12. Cool pictures and thanks for the comment about water lily!

  13. Fantastic details in these photos.

    Happy MM

  14. Imagine a spider setting up home in one of your flowers.
    Your pictures are amazing you managed to get very close - rather you than me lol.

  15. Hi there - really like the last picture. Nice plant / animal composition.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  16. Those are beautiful shots! The spider is indeed beautiful...

    Arnab Majumdar

  17. Great action captures of the spider, Ida. You must be a very patient person. :)

    Wishing you a Happy Tuesday.

  18. Great macro's Ida from the little jumper!
    Thanks for visiting... :-))
    Greetings from Holland,

  19. Ida, you have an award to pick up over at my place... :)

  20. Very interesting and detailed photos...although spiders scare me Thanks for stopping by

  21. To follow the spiders 'macro' journey, totally amazing Ida!


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