Thursday, November 10, 2011

Photo Art Friday - The Frog and Seed Pod

Welcome! - Did you all have a nice week.  It wasn't to bad of a week here.
I'm still battling a bit of a cough from the Cold I've slowly but surely been recovering from.  My mom had to go off her Cholesterol medicine as it was causing her joints to hurt and she was in a lot of pain.  She's feeling better day by day though.
My bowling this week went well (156-145-179) so I was happy about that.  Coleen has been good all week, hubby is doing well and staying very busy, and weather hasn't been to bad so I can't complain.

Now it's time to show off my work for Bonnie's Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Last week I played around with a photo but forgot to write down what I had done to it but I've decided to share it along with another one that I did write down the edits.

First up is my original photo:

This is the seed pod of my Oriental Poppy.  I think it looks beautiful just as it is, SOOC but I did play around with the photo and came up with the following.

Again I am not sure of the edits I did on this.  I do know that I used one of Bonnie's textures,
Acceptance and added a frame around the image as well using something in Gimp.

So now on to my 2nd Photo:  See below.

This is a Frog Statue that sits on a corner in the down town area.  It's called, The Thinker.  I really think it's a fun little statue all by itself but then I did some creative editing and love how it turned out.  This time I managed to write down the things that I did to my photo.  (Hip, Hip, Hooray!)

First up in Gimp I edited the Brightness/Contrast of my Original photo.   Then I added Bonnie's Texture, Happy Day at 55.4% Soft Light.  Next up I went in to the Picnik programs and used the feature called, Lomo-ish, Blurred the edges 50% and Faded 30%.
Then I added the text.

I'd love to be able to do more things but figuiring out how to use Gimp is challenging to say the least.

If  you'd like to see more great Photo Art be sure to pop on over to Bonnie's blog where everyone posts their work.  It's pretty awesome.


  1. Personally, I really like the frog composite with the texture. Very fun composition. Thank you for posting it. kareninkenai

  2. love the poppy seed as well as the thinking frog - great motifs!

  3. Love your last little frog here, and the wise words on it! Such nice work

  4. Hey Ida - these are great pieces of photo art. Love the selections and applications of textures for each. The first is a lovely piece of photo art and loved how you have placed the texture on the frog in the second. Bravo! Thanks for sharing with Photo Art Friday.

  5. Very nice! I love the pod edit and love what you did to the frog, who is by the way too cute!

  6. "be careful what you wish for" - I think this is great especially the colour

  7. Hi Ida!

    It's pretty cool that we have the same name! :-) Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Your kind words really made my day. It feels so nice to share something and get a positive response from people that you don't even know. This way we make connections and eventually new friends. :-) It was lovely to meet you!!

    Yes, I am always full of energy and alive. That is the aura that I want to radiate with everyone reading my blog. It would definitely be wonderful if I could make other people smile every time they read my posts. :-)

    Have a great weekend! I hope you visit my blog again because I will post more interesting and inspiring stuff there. :-)


  8. Ida, these are such fun. First of all, that sooc poppy seed pod is gorgeous. Mine never look like that. Really special. And that frog - what a lovely statue to ahve in your town. You gave it the perfect texture and then managed to keep the background clean. so well done.

    Thanks for you patient visit to my rather confusing post today.

  9. I agree with you - the seed pod is beautiful as is, but your edit gives it a lovely softness. I love the colors in the second edit. They really enhance the appearance of the froggy "thinker".

  10. A beautiful picture, I love the seed pod of my Oriental Poppy. I wish you a happy weekend.

  11. I am glad you are feeling better Ida. I am just beginning with a cough. :-( Lots of colds going around here now.

    I love what you did with the seed pod. It's really lovely!

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  12. The thinking frog turned out great! I like all the little colors about him and the added words are beautiful. However, the poppy seedpod is a beautiful though very different transformation as well.

  13. I absolutely love what you did with the poppy seed head.....great effect! I enjoy reading your commentary as well :-)

  14. You did a great job!

  15. Hi Ida, I like how you changed the frogs skin and added the quote. Very Nice.

    I also like the seed pod. It has an old fashioned feeling to it.

    Take Care! Phyllis

  16. The frog is wonderful. With and without texture. Great capture. Have a nice weekend.

  17. Ida, these are lovely . . .I particularly like the frog. Teresa x

  18. The poppy is lovely. I love the texture you have given it.
    Linneas Atelje Photography

  19. Both photos are wonderful, but I especially love your frog! Thanks for sharing your lovely effects.

  20. I think you did excellent work on both of these.
    Different from each other, but both show thought for the subject matter and how to treat it.
    The seed pod is subtle.
    The frog is wearing a brighter camouflage which works for him.
    Beautiful processing.

  21. I love that Lomo-ish action in Picnik. Hope you're feeling better now, I'm starting to get a sore throat so better get started on some vitamin c or something.

  22. I love poppies and the frog is cool. :)

  23. Isn't Picnik fun? I've enjoyed your photos here. Great job processing the frog. Looks like patinated metal.


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