Monday, December 5, 2011

Macro Monday - December 5

Happy Monday! - It's time for Macro Monday at Lisa's Chaos. 

For today's Macro I am sharing a shot of one of the newest neighborhood cats/strays that we've taken to feeding.  This guy showed up about 3 weeks ago and we have no idea if he belongs to anyone in the neighborhood or was dumped or lost.  He hangs around though and enjoys the food and the milk we leave out.  He especially loves milk as you will see in this photo.  We've named him, Piglet as he drinks milk like it's going out of style and does a pretty good job on soft cat food as well.  I truly wish people who have cats would not leave them outside especially at night and during the winter when it's cold outside.  If I had my way every cat in the world would have a nice safe, warm place to stay but alas that just can't be so I do my part to make them as comfortable as possible.

He's a really pretty cat and tame enough that I can pet him and he'll come in the house although he's very skittish about coming inside and I can only let him in after all our cats have gone to bed for the night.  He just comes in for a few minutes and then wants back outside. 

Below are a couple of pictures of him that  I really like too.

Be sure to stop by Lisa's blog and check out the other Macro Monday enteries.  Always inspiring and interesting.  Have a great week.


  1. Hi Ida!!!!

    Awww, I love your kitty shots! What a pretty kitty!!! :o)
    My favorite shot is the very virst one with the milk!

    I wanted to Thank You so Much for stopping by my blog and leaving your sweet compliments! I know this is way over due, but I wanted to say 'Thank You'!


  2. What a sweetie!
    Love how you caught the milk lapping. :) So cute!
    Even the outdoor cat we had we put inside at night. It's just warmer and safer for them.

  3. Oh, he has a beautiful face! Such golden eyes and what a lovely pink nose.

  4. he's beautiful!
    thank you for helping homeless animals

  5. He is just precious Ida, and how lucky he is to have you to care for him.

  6. What a beautiful kitty!

    Happy MM

  7. Hi there - looks like the cat that got the cream!

    I really think we need to celebrate the seasons - winter is great, but it great in a different way to the other seasons! Seasons here are not as marked as in the UK where I was born and brought up - I miss the change!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

  8. I like that tongue action. So you have 5 cats? You are my kind of person. I'd have more and have had multiples in the past, but Sinbad is the most unique cat I have ever had and the two of us are one with each other and why change that? Take care of Piglet.


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