Thursday, January 12, 2012

Photo Art Friday - Jan. 13 Birds of a Feather

Happy Friday! - Well the weather has certainly cooled down from last week and the dreaded (Snow) is in the forecast for next week, much to my dismay.  I am so not a "Winter" person but I'll survive.

In the meantime it's time for Photo Art Friday on Bonnie's Blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art.
This week Bonnie asked us to use one of her FREE texture's in our Photo Art.  She has some really great textures to choose from so be sure to check them out. 

I've chosen to do not 1 but 2 pieces of Photo Art this week and a couple of different versions.  I hope you like them.  I struggle with Photo Art because I don't know half the time what I'm doing and not having Photo Shop I've had to try learning to use Gimp (a free program similar to PS) and just haven't had much luck learning it either.  I would love to take a class so I could have someone show me how to do different things.

In the meantime I do what I can so here goes.

Original Photo #1 - Taken at our local city park Bird Aviary. 

This is a female bird:  The male is really a gorgeous bird.  I'll have to share his photo another day.

For my 1st Edit I used two of Bonnie's textures:  Sapphire Dust and Acceptance.

I also edited the photo on Picnik adding a Matte look to the photo and the quote.

For this edit the same two textures were used but at different levels.  Then I tried to get creative and added a layer of a photo of some leaves that I had taken as well.  They were softened on Picnik before adding them to the photo.

Here is the picture of the leaves.
They aren't real visable in the photo by you can see the color and some of the leaves in the upper portion of the photo.

Next up:  For this photo I've chosen the Male bird. 

Again I have two different edits of this photo.  For these photo's I used:
Bonnie's Cinnamon texture and Acceptance.

This was also edited on Picnik using different features there and adding a Canvas feel to it along with the quote.

My last photo uses  just the Cinnamon Texture and a few edits on Picnik.

I tried hard to write down what I had done but after several different changes my paper started getting all mixed up with different edits and before I realized it I couldn't figure out which edit went to which photo. 
I'll try harder the next time to keep everything straight.


  1. Beautiful photos and processing. Always enjoy it, Ida. How lovely. Thank you. Karen

  2. Very nice treatments - the textures are a fun addition to the bird shots. I like the warmer colors in the second one.

  3. Ida, I think your edits are brilliant! The one with the leaves is so subtle - and sometimes, "less" really is "more"!
    I am amazed at what you can do with Gimp - wonderful!

    Kim Klassen is running a free Photoshop essentials class on her blog/cafe. It might help you with some basics, if it's similar to Gimp? I took this class last year when she ran it and picked up some very useful tips - and as it's free, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Her link is on my blog if you fancy it...
    Good luck! =)

  4. I like your treatment they are images that I am sure you are proud of, bravo

  5. Beautiful birds and I love your treatments, Ida.

    Wishing you a great weekend! :)

  6. This post is a fab example of how to experiment with textures and photos in your archive. For the two different photos I like the first edits the best. VERY well done! Especially for someone still working to get to know their editing program.

    You should be proud of these Ida.
    Thanks for sharing your art and your process with PAF!!

  7. I love how you've used the textures to create such striking images . . . .x

  8. Very nice Ida! Really like how you have used your textures!

  9. Very awesome results I believe, I like the blue bird best - but to be honest it is hard to choose which is best. But your art is great in any situation I think. Thanks for showing :D

    I am using Paint Shop Pro, for my editing. I have PhotoShop but to be honest I like the PSP better for some strange reason.. they have the same features :) I know Gimp is a free graphic program ( I never learned how to use it) (Thanks for your visit)

  10. These are great, Ida!
    I especially love the second version of the first photo.

  11. I just love how free and creative you are with your photos. that first shot after editing looks similar to histagram. I love that look. nice job Ida. happy weekend to you.

  12. ha ha! I'm so hilarious. I meant Hipstamatic!!! silly me. but you knew what I meant, right?

  13. great edits on these and I especially love that last bird photo; what a treasure, so colourful

  14. Very creative edits. Great job on these.

  15. I really like your photos and work here! Good job!

  16. Yes, very nice pictures, I love how you've been applying those textures. Greetings.

  17. stunning results with your bird pictures, really gorgeous!

  18. you had a lot of fun. :) I like what you did, and, I like the birds as they are. I´m a birder. :)

  19. You've gotten some beautiful effects - those birds are so pretty! And you only added to it with the textures and layers - wonderful results!

  20. These are all so different and just gorgeous. I am glad that you showed all of them. You can really see all the different effects you can achieve with those textures. And the birds are simply wonderful.

  21. Great photos -- I always wonder why in the animal world it's the male of the species that has to look so gorgeous. Yet in the human world it's the female who has to attract the male... I know.....I think of the weirdest things. Your texture work really made these photos shine.


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