Friday, January 20, 2012

Photo Art Friday - Jan. 20 and some Birthday Stuff

Hey it's Friday! - Did you get snow in your neck of the woods.  Much to my dismay ours arrived late Tuesday evening (after 11:00 pm) so Wednesday morning we woke up to this:
I am so NOT a winter person.  - Wednesday was also my mom's 83rd Birthday and by evening the roads had gotten pretty doggone slick as it had started raining (freezing rain) by then.  Thankfully the family all made it over to celebrate her birthday in spite of the nasty weather.

So now let's head on over to Bonnie's Blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art for this weeks Photo Art Friday addition.

This weeks assignment was to create an Photo Art piece using the number 3 as a starting point.  For added excitement we could also use one of 2 new "Free" textures of Bonnie's on our Photo Art.  I loved both textures so I decided to pick one and use it for my Photo Art.
I started with this:
I chose the texture, Off Kilter :  Then I used the Difference Mode  (which now I can't remember what percent I used) and got this result:

This seemed a bit dark to me so I decided to hit the Auto Correct button on the Microsoft program and look what happened:
I played around one more time.  This time I used Difference at 70.1% then saved and used the Auto Correct button again in Microsoft and got this version:
How fun is that! - So which is your favorite?  I think I like the last one the best.

This week was so busy with 2 birthdays back to back.  My mom's was as I stated, Wednesday and Coleen's was Thursday.    She turned 7.  Due to the nasty weather School was canceled on Thursday and Coleen had been home all week due to the MLK holiday on Monday and she was sick Tuesday and Wednesday so she's had a long week at home (so has Grandma).
Here are the Birthday Girls:

There is school today although it's delayed by 2 hours so I really don't see why they even bothered.  Oh well. I knew the almost 70 degree weather on Jan. 4th wouldn't last but a girl can dream can't she!

So be sure to check out all the other great Photo Art enteries on Bonnie's Blog.
Have a great week.  Stay warm, safe and dry.


  1. What an unusual treatment! I'm not familiar with the adjustment you used, but it sure created a fun result. Visiting from PAF

  2. Aww, I love your technicolor kitties! You did a wonderful job with your effects. Happy Birthday to your family members! I hope they're all feeling better soon.

  3. I love your little kitties - your experiments with filters, blending modes, really paid off. Happy Birthday wishes to your mom!

  4. Happy birthday girls, and your three images all have merit.

  5. teh little figure looks really different with the textures added.

    Hope your girls had great birthdays. :)

  6. Belated Happy greetings to your Mum and your sweet niece too. Is this your home nestled in the snow Ida? I'm not sure how I could handle the intense cold myself. Love to see snow pictures though. Great edits your 3's.

  7. Soooo interesting to see the process and transformation of your photo into a piece of artwork.


  8. Love the photo effects on your 3 little critters!

  9. Hi Ida - this is very creative and like the color choice with the abstract. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I think the last one is my favorite as well! difference is a blending mode I also started playing with, it's effects are very interesting.

  11. I like the third one best, too.
    This is a great example of taking a basic photo
    and literally turning it into art!
    Happy belated birthdays to your family ...
    family photos are precious.

  12. Love the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil images...that special effect art work you did is terrific.

    Keep the snow there please. I too am not a winter person. In fact, that's why we moved south. LOL

    And a belated 83rd happy birthday wish!!

    If I Could Talk to the Animals

  13. Your three kitties for Photo Art Friday are fun!

  14. Visiting from PAF, Your kitties caught my eye. Fun rendition using the textures! Your snow description in the blog looks like my neck of the woods. BTW.

  15. A wonderful post Ida, keep on with the experimenting :)


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