Saturday, January 7, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Jan. 8 2012

Hello - It's been a good week.  In fact I've enjoyed most of this week. Coleen went back to school so my mornings have been quiet and my time has been mine to do what I wanted.  This week I decided to get back into joining in on Ashley's, Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts.  I spent some time outside this week and inside as well getting pictures to match this weeks prompts.
One Color, Laundry, Empty, One Dozen and Soft.  - Some of these I thought were going to be hard but they actually came pretty easy once I started taking photo's.

Up first for One Color:  Took this one during breakfast this morning after a lightbulb went off in my head about how my breakfast was,  One Color. 

Yum! - What's better then Peanut Butter and Bread!

Next up:  Laundry. - At first I thought who wants to see a pile of dirty laundry, we have a lot of that around our house on any given day.  We don't have a close-line for cool outdoor shots of clothes blowing in the breeze so I wondered just what I could get to capture laundry to make it interesting.  Low and behold the problem was solved when I spotted this in the living room one morning:

Doesn't Captain Cuddles look content perched on top of the clean towels that hubby had folded the night before.  He slept there most of the morning too before I decided to put the towels away.
Moving right along let's see what I decided upon for the prompt of, Empty.
I had thought about a shot of my empty coffee cup or the bag of BBQ potato chips that I couldn't stop munching on while watching TV but ended up with something totally different.  I had started out on a drive to go photograph some Geese and as I started to drive past our city park I had another "light-bulb" moment and quickly pulled into the park.  This shot is also being entered in Shadow Shot Sunday2 . This will be my first time participating there.

This is the fountain at the park and well it's obviously "empty" as now water is flowing in the fountain nor the basin either. - I like how the shadows of the trees are falling across the fountain.  It was a lovely day outside to take pictures.

Next up: One Dozen.  Again I thought, who wants to see a picture of a Dozen Eggs in a carton (not very original) well at least not to me.  I really got lucky when I took this photo.  I was trying to get a picture of a bunch of black ravens in the trees behind our house but they flew about the time I snapped the picture.  As "luck" would have it I just happened to be able to capture 1 Dozen Ravens flying in this picture. Okay I'll, "fess-up" and admit that I did crop out a few of the birds in the photo and I'm not counting the ones sitting in the trees.  If you look closely in the upper left of the photo there are 2 birds flying together so you have to count them as more then just one bird.
This last one is my favorite of the week. I had the pleasure of finally meeting my newest relative, my "Great-Niece, Callista Claire Antes who was born on December 19th, 2011.
We were suppose to meet her Christmas morning but her mom wasn't feeling well so sadly we had to wait but it was worth it.  She is just so precious and yes, she's:

Soft! - See how I worked that last prompt in!

Can't wait to see what the new prompts will be.  Sometimes they are easy to come up with shots for and sometimes, not so much but they are always fun and challenging.

Do take the time to stop by Ashley's Blog and check out some of the other enteries.


  1. Great set!!I'm running to the kitchen right now for peanut butter toast!

  2. From SSS2 - The trees and shadows round the fountain are magical! Like Nature's stage setting for shadows! Beautiful!

    And welcome to the world of Shadow Shot Sunday 2!

  3. Your one color made me hungry! Great finds this week!

  4. hmmm, that peanut butter gives me an idea for breakfast...pb & toast!! Great line-up...have a great week ahead!!

  5. Your peanut butter is making me hungry. Captain Cuddles is really cute. :)

    Ida, your caption has been selected and shall be posted tomorrow. Thank you for your contribution.

  6. So glad you joined the Shadow Shot group. I love your blog and the post you shared. That is a great picture of park shadows.

  7. Oh my goodness, my dog and cat are always getting in my warm laundry. :)

  8. Hi Ida, A great roundup of pictures. Peanut butter on toast is a morning favourite. It is great fun to respond to prompts from other bloggers isn't it? I always enjoy a good challenge. It gets that creative part of my mind working. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  9. All good shots of beautiful things...babies, fountains, kitty, and birds...and P B!

  10. Great set - love that last shot. So sweet and soft.

  11. Beautiful photos! I am now your follower.

    Set of Eyes Shadow. Have a great week ahead.

  12. WOW, you did a terrific job with all the assignments. Love all the pictures, you are so creative. Happy 2012

  13. Great Photos! I love peanut butter on warm toast.

    I am your newest follower. If you want to check my blog out and follow back I am at:

    Happy Sunday!


  14. OMG, she is a cutie. I can see why that is your favorite photo.

  15. Laundry is great, I love the guilt little face.

  16. Callista is so pretty! Love your laundry shot. I would much rather nap on it then fold it too!

  17. Cute cat and beautiful baby!
    The fountain shot is awesome!
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog.
    Best wishes for the New year!

  18. I'm a pb and bread fiend. Love it!

    And your grand niece is adorable. Hope you get to meet her soon. :)

  19. Wonderful shots! Such creative thinking.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. Thank you for your comment in my Scavenger Hunt pics !
    I didn't belive that peanut butter and bread could be delicious untill I tasted and it's so good (and so American like Finnish Easter Pudding is so Finnish :)

  21. Thank you for your comment in my Scavenger Hunt pics !
    I didn't belive that peanut butter and bread could be delicious untill I tasted and it's so good (and so American like Finnish Easter Pudding is so Finnish :)

  22. That is the PERFECT photo for "soft". Great job!


  23. always a delightful pleasure to visit you Ida. you got clever and creative with the hunt this week. I left it go until the last minute and almost came up short. I love that peanut butter shot! happy day to you.

  24. What a sweet addition to the family...and I love that laundry "helper". Wonderful choices for this week!

  25. Great shots - that peanut butter looks scrumptious!

  26. Great set! Love the last shot... so super sweet! AND your one color... Mmm-mmm!

  27. Dear Ida,

    Thanks for dropping by my Scavenger Hunt. It is certainly good to meet you. You write just as id I were across a table from you and you were chatting with me. Ah! and such a nice chat it was!

    I hope our paths meet again.

    Such fun,

  28. Wonderful set of shots. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  29. Great set! I love peanut butter toast, I wish I had some right now! Your family's newest addition is just adorable!

  30. Love your empty shot! And thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  31. I see many empty fountains when I visit Mexico, and it always makes me sad...


    If I had a shadow the size of the sun,
    I’m not sure how fast I’d be able to run,
    Or if I could flee from its ravenous jaws,
    While keeping away from its razor-sharp claws!

    © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Shadows here and there

  32. What a pretty park! love the artfully scattered shadows. Thanks for the visit.


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