Thursday, March 8, 2012

Photo Art Friday - March 9, 2012 - Don't Squander Time

Well another week has come and gone (where is time going this year) and once again it's time for PAF over on Bonnie's Blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art. 
Once again we were given the option of posting any piece of Photo Art or incorporating a "hidden in plain sight" element into our Art piece.  Now I've got to say that really intrigued me but I have no clue whether or not my piece qualifies or not for that category.  I'm going to leave it up to you to decide.

Here is the Original Photo that I started with:  I always like to share what sparks my initial creativity.

A park bench at the local City Park was my subject material.
It's not really an inspiring photo (imho) but I liked it none the less.  However...after doing some edits to it both in Gimp and Picnik I really like the final result.

I used 2 of Bonnie's textures:  Splash of Gold and Light Dust in this piece.

I added a quote that stood out in my mind as it was used in a scene from Gone With The Wind.  The scene shows a cat sleeping in a garden under an old Sundial with that inscription on it. This happens to be one of my all time favorite movies and I truly wanted to add some sort of time piece to my photo as well but lacking the knowledge of how to do so I settled for the quote.                                                                     
 A funny thing happened while working on this piece.  Time got away from me and well let's just say we had to order out for dinner again because apparently I was "squandering" time working on my photo art!
Please take time to stop by Bonnie's blog and check out the other entries.  You'll enjoy them I'm sure.  Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Nothing like a good take away, great shot and editing.

  2. Ida, what a wonderful feelings and colors are so harmony too. Poems is very beautiful. Well done :)

  3. That is a quote used on the gate of the college I worked at. You transformed the bench scene into something very rich and vibrant.

  4. Wow! This came out beautifully! Love the colors!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  5. I'm laughing about your squandering of time. My husband thinks the computer is a growth attached to my body. I love what you did here and the quote is perfect! Have a great week.

  6. OMG, I LOVE your piece. First of all, that bench is gorgeous!!! When I first looked at it I wondered to myself how many people sat on that bench and what were they thinking about when they sat there. I pictured myself sitting on that bench and wondered what important decisions would I be making. Maybe I would be reading a good book outside instead of in my chair at home, maybe I'd be laughing with a friend after taking a long walk. And then I went to your art piece. O M G that should framed and hanging somewhere for all to see, it is beautiful!!! The sentiment is AWESOME and it goes perfectly with what I was thinking about sitting on that bench for a few minutes and what life's decisions would I be making. AWESOME. I'm pinning it on Pinterest if you don't mind. Other people need to see it. Excellent work.

  7. I just love this!! Love the quote and the word behind it, and the colors are gorgeous!

  8. Very nice work! I'm afraid I'm a time squanderer too, when it comes to photo editing.

  9. Hey, Ida...
    This is amazing...
    taking your original photo
    and ending up with TERRIFIC!
    You did an excellent job.
    And, I love the quote.
    You were definitely n.o.t squandering your time.
    Time for art is never squandered!

  10. I love how you worked on this image, the colours and textures work so well.

  11. Wow...I love the editing process and the quote. I too missed sitting down eating dinner with everyone, I was on a role with my PAF submission, I didn't want to stop.

    I really love the warm colors in the finished art piece. It would make beautiful cards to give to someone.

    Thanks for sharing.


  12. fun computer time is never "squandering"! :) This is an excellent result - love how you blurred out the back layer to make the frame. Very clever.

  13. I think you did a very lovely job with this -- the final product is beautiful. I'm interested in how you got the rectangular border -- it's been a long time since I've tried that, and I've just forgotten! Well done.

  14. Pat, love your rendering of the park bench!

  15. Lovely work Ida. Sometimes an artiste must choose their art over the necessities of life! ;) Thank you for sharing you art and your process with Photo Art Friday.

  16. I love the rustic look of your piece. Good words to leave by.

  17. You did an amazing job on this picture with your edits....and I love the words you added....
    You totally transformed your original picture....

    Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving me such a sweet comment...

  18. What a wonderful image! I love the effect of the textures.

  19. Yes, this bank has been beautiful after applying texture, lovely photo. Greetings.

  20. Mmmmmmmmm, this is a beauty. A great work of art. I loved it --- well done.

    I'd Rather Be Birdin'

  21. Mycket snyggt. Riktigt kreativ har du varit med fotobehandlingen.Tack för din kommentar. Anita

  22. I really like what you've done here - combining two textures over your park bench. The soft glow is warm and inviting - I'd like to spend some time on that bench and dream the afternoon away!

  23. what a difference. I love what you did. It looks so warm and cosy somehow. :)

  24. Very lovely piece, Ida. I like the processing you have chosen. Thanks so much for sharing. Karen

  25. a beautiful creation you made here!!

  26. Squandering time? never! your art is beautiful and has given me an idea to try as I am really struggling with this challenge. Thank you for visiting me.

  27. Oh, my word! This is a prize winning photo. Brilliant of you to see the potential in the original. Fabulous and inspiring work, Ida!


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