Saturday, March 31, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 1, 2012

Wow it's APRIL FOOL'S Day...I have no joke or prank to play on you because quite frankly I "stink" at that sort of thing.

So how about we get right to this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday photo's.

This weeks prompts:
Clouds, Sun flare, Seven, High Angle and Low Angle.

I struggled with some of the prompts this week but I completed the set with only 1 slight "archived" photo from back on March 7th.

CLOUDS:  Well we've certainly had plenty of those this past month.  Lots of overcast skies, lots of rain, some snow and even hail.  I took this photo of some clouds outside of the Dentist office just before the skies opened up with a torrential downpour followed by a Hail storm.

SUN FLARE: - Took this shot under the fir trees out in front of our house after the hail had stopped and the sun came out. Weird day weather wise for sure.

SEVEN - I was so hoping to be creative with this prompt but just couldn't seem to think of anything really fun or original so I hope you'll settle for cute instead.  My granddaughter, Coleen who just happens to be age 7!
This was my "archived" photo.

These last 2 were the one's I struggled the most with. 

High Angle:  Took this shot of Callie-Jo inside a shoe box

Doesn't she look comfy!

Next weeks prompts: New, Life, Fragrant, Pink and Obvious


  1. What a great high angle shot - cats crack me up! Oh, and a cute 7 year old too!

  2. Very nice cloud shot . . . peaceful, rural feel to it.

  3. Great interpretations. I especially loved your high shot. Ironically (because you said you struggled with the low and high angle) that one is my favorite.

  4. Love set, love your angle shots great subject. :)

  5. Great set Ida! Your grand daughter is super cute!!

  6. Those are some serious clouds! Love the high and low angle too, cats do love shoe boxes!

  7. I think the one of your granddaughter at 7 was a perfect choice! And your kitty...puuuurrrfect too. So cute!

  8. Well...your struggle doesn't show in your pictures! Those clouds are amazing to look at although I'm glad I didn't get caught in the storm! Have a great week.

  9. Good job Ida, I liked all the pictures, the cat in the box was adorable, no room in there for stretching out, love any kind of cloud photos as we don't see many here, and coleen is always adorable.

  10. What a lovely set - your seven photo is precious! :)

  11. Wonderful images for the prompts Ida, and your granddaughter is absolutely adorable. What a wonderful smile she has!

  12. Love your low angle shot. Such a cute little kitty kitty!

  13. Your cloud shot is really great and I love your kitty in the shoebox. And ofcourse the 7 year old is a doll-baby!!

  14. Oh my, your cat sleeps in a shoe box? How cute!

  15. The clouds look pretty!

    Haha, she definitely looks very comfy and cozy in that shoe box. :)

    Thanks for the sweet comment you left over at mine. Have a great week ahead.

  16. Great shots. Both angles are interesting and seven is an ideaI did not think of. Clouds is a wonderful shot. Thanks

  17. Nice set of the sun flare...great job! Thanks for stopping by today and for your sweet comments.

  18. Beautiful shots! I really love the first two.

  19. What a wonderful collection, Ida! Love Callie Jo in her shoebox. Too sweet! :)

  20. You cat is too funny. Love your take on seven. Clouds and sun flare are beautiful.

  21. High and low, up and down...I like both the same shots with different angle. Have a great day!

  22. Great set, I love your 'clouds', I hope you managed to get safe before that storm hit! Your granddaughter is adorable!

  23. Your photos are so cute. I just love the kitty in the box..

    Hugs, Linda


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