Thursday, April 12, 2012

Photo Art Friday - April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th! - And a Happy Birthday to my niece, Shelby (although she doesn't read my blog)...but she'll be over today for her Macaroni and Cheese lunch so maybe I'll remind her to pop by my blog from time to time.  ETA: Photo's of the Birthday Girl Below.

This week Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) gave us the option of "any" piece of photo art or using a Quote, Poem, Saying etc...that has significance to us.  I love using quotes but this time I decided to go with a Scripture instead.  I think this particular one is significant to me in that it's something I need to put into action a little more often then I do.

I love how this turned out and am thinking about having a Canvas done and hanging this in my living room.
Here is the photo I started with:

I uploaded my photo to PicMonkey and did some adjustments and then added a texture from their site called, Paint and added the Scripture verse.  I can't believe how different it looks from my original photo.

Please stop in on Bonnie's blog and check out the links to the other participants.  It's always a pleasure to see such awesome Photo Art.

ETA: Here are photos of the Birthday Girl:
Here she is enjoying her Macaroni and Cheese (with bacon) that I fixed her for her Birthday Lunch.

Something to remember her special day.


  1. Gorgeous photo, Ida! I think it would make a great canvas!

  2. Wonderful backround texture. Very beauty and freedom combosition.

    Well done :)

  3. Beautiful and I too rejoice!

  4. This turned out so beautiful!! My first thoughts when I saw it was that it needed to be hanging somewhere!! This is also my daily mantra, enjoying each day, good or bad! I've been hearing a lot about PicMonkey, I must give it a try!!

  5. A beautiful flower and a great reminder! Lovely.

  6. Oh Ida, that is beautiful and yes, everyday we wake up to a new day is a gift, not everyone receives it. Thanks for the reminder, love your photo art.

  7. It's turned out beautifully Ida, I'm sure it'll look great in your living room :)

  8. What a beautiful picture and also the words.

  9. Your edit is really lovely! Happy Birthday Shelby!

  10. I have never tried Picmonkey. Stunning job. Fits the wonderful scripture.

  11. Beautiful photo - and yes, let us rejoice!

  12. Delicious composition, I love this beautiful flower, beautiful colors and textures.

  13. Happy Birthday to Shelby. She should definitely follow your delightful and creative blog. I think the flower would make a great printed piece. Let me know where you'll hang it!

  14. Great work with the flower. And nice shots of the birthday girl. :)

  15. It will be lovely framed on your wall, Ida! You made your niece's day!!

  16. Congratulations for your niece birthday! Very beautiful photo of flower!
    Thank you very much sharing photos with me.

  17. Happy Birthday to your niece! And shame on her for not reading your blog! LOL!

  18. Happy Birthday Shelby! Great editing on your flower photo, Ida. :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Beautiful edit! It would definitely make a lovely canvas to hang on your wall.

  20. Your niece and your artwork are beautiful. The macaroni looks yummy! Thank you for sharing your artwork with PAF, Ida.


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