Thursday, May 17, 2012

Edit Me 2012 - Week 20

Welcome! - I was browsing through my emails when I noticed one from Nancy (A Rural Journal) about the current Edit Me challenge so I took a peek at the photo and knew that I had to give it a try.  I adore cats and Nancy has some darling ones so how could I not take up the challenge.

Here is the Original Photo:
and below is the version that I edited.

For my version I went to PicMonkey and first Soften the photo a little.  Then I added a small amount of the Urbane feature there to darken the edges of the photo.  Next I added a background texture,
Kim Klassen's Music Lovin texture and erased the texture off the cat and the top of the bench.
Lastly I added the Quote and the Drop Shadow Frame. 

Cats and Music are two of my favorite things in life so I thought it was fitting to put them together with the quote I found.  I hope you enjoy my edits.


  1. Glad you let me know you entered....I visited blogs early but didn't do any more. I do try to visit the ones I know. This is a great job of editing, Ida! You have really picked this up, haven't you??

  2. Really nice job, Ida! Your edit looks beautiful!

  3. Ida, I really love what you've done with this photo. The lighter green softens it up and the frame is perfect.

    Thank you for participating in the Edit Me Challenge this week. xoxo

  4. Nice use of texture and cute quote! Great job!

  5. Love the vintage feel to your edit, very pretty results!

  6. I love the dreamy quality of this edit Ida! That Music Loving texture of Kim's has to be one of my favourites and I think it is a perfect texture for your creation!

  7. Wonderful photos, I like this cat.

  8. Love the photo; love the texture processing.


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