Monday, May 28, 2012

Jumping the Gun or I Can't Wait For Summer!

It hasn't been very warm here so far this spring and with summer just around the corner we're starting to wonder if it will ever warm up.  Coleen on the other hand just couldn't wait for summer weather to arrive so while I was watering the lawn today she donned her swimming suit and headed outside for a dash through the sprinkler.  The temperature today was barely in the low 70's so she had to be cold but she had fun for about 10 minutes before saying she'd had enough and headed back inside to dry off and get warm again.


  1. Cute! Love her colorful swimsuit. You know, when it's in the low 70's here it feels nice and warm to me. Perfect, really.

  2. Wanting to hurry the warmer weather, children are keen aren't they.

  3. Kids seem impervious to the weather - no matter if it's snowing or raining or on the cool side, they want to be out playing. What a delightful shot! I love the color and the action you've captured. happy day to you Ida.

  4. This is funny- I can send you some heat if you like :) I would be happy to share.

  5. That is the cutest picture ever!


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