Thursday, May 3, 2012

Photo Art Friday - May 4, 2012

Hi! - Hey are you ready to be "wowed" by some awesome Photo Art? - Well if you are head on over to Bonnie's blog, Pixel Dust Photo Art and enjoy all the great Photo Art.

This week we were given the option of "any piece of Photo art" or,
showcase a piece of photo art that references, in even the most oblique way, the title of one of your favorite books - any kind of book - within the bounds of good taste, of course.

Well let me tell you that was a tricky theme to handle. After some creative thinking though I came up with an idea for the book I had in mind and here is the result.
Just in case you can't figure out what the Title of the Book is that I based my piece off of perhaps this final edit will clue you in...
I have long been a huge fan of the Book and Movie, "Gone With The Wind" by Margaret Mitchell.
When I decided to try and recreate the title I struggled with how I could come up with something that was artistic.  The only thing at the time I could think of was something to do with the (Wind) and other then blowing leaves or dandelions blowing in the wind I couldn't think of anything. 
Finally I remembered that I had a great Sunset photo that I liked and thought that it would work well along with a clock image (representing the passing of time) fleeting like the wind.  Are you following me here?
So I cropped the photo below, enhanced it using PicMonkey,  Added one of Bonnie's textures (kkkkaty inspired)   and an overlay of a portion of a GWTW poster that I have hanging in my office/computer room.  The poster is titled, "Gone With The Wind" and is by Walter Rockwood Ferris II, it's extremely hard to find out much information about his work but apparently he did several different posters like the one below all depicting cars at a Drive-In Movie with various movies playing.  I love this poster because 1st the Movie in mine is one of my all time favorite movies and books and 2nd because the license plate on the car in front of the screen is dated 1956 which just happens to be the year I was born.  How cool is that! 
The clock is subtle in the piece but I think it works well.  The fiery looking trees reminds me of the Burning of Atlanta in the Movie and also the scene where Scarlett is standing in the garden at sunset holding a bunch of radishes in the air and states, "As Long as God is my Witness, I'll never be Hungry again.!" - I thought about using radishes for the piece but that was a bit to obscure I think!


  1. Lovely and romantic peace of art. Wonderful photo processing, Ida :)

  2. I LOVE Gone With The Wind, and this is a gorgeous tribute!

  3. Excellent, excellent photo art, Ida.
    You did a great job!!

  4. Wow! This is beautiful work, Ida!

  5. This is fabulous! I was drawn in by the color on the thumbnail. Thanks for showing the photos you used in this, very creative!

  6. You did a great job with this! Like!

  7. this is great ida! I knew right away it was gone with the wind... even before I read your post. Great edit!

  8. Wonderful photos. I really like the processing. Greetings.

  9. great piece of art! very creative!

  10. You did a wonderful job - all of your elements came together in a beautiful way! I also love Gone With the Wind, but have only seen it in movie form...such a classic! Thank you for sharing with us - have a great weekend. :)

  11. Amazing photos - I love how you edited them - so dreamy! I'm sure Rhett would approve :-)

  12. Read it when I was did a wonderful job, Ida!

  13. WOW Ida! This is fabulous. I love the subtle addition of Rhett and Scarlett - it tooks me a minute to even see them. Beautiful editing. So glad you took on the theme and shared your work at PAF!!


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