Saturday, May 26, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - May 27, 2012

First off today would have been my dad's 92nd birthday - So dad,  "Happy Birthday!"  I know you are enjoying your day in Heaven.

Now it's time for this weeks, Scavenger Hunt Sunday photo's.
This weeks prompts were:  Beneath Your Feet, Capturing Movement,
Texture, Face Your Fears and Currently.  -  Okay I will confess that I had decided to SKIP this week because the prompts seemed really hard and I just hadn't found the time to search for things that would fit the prompts.  I had a couple of them and then at the last minute I decided to go ahead and finish out the set and post them.

So here goes:

BENEATH YOUR FEET - I totally "staged" this photo but I like how it turned out.  First off I have "ugly" feet so you aren't seeing a lot of my feet in this photo.  I had my daughter take one of Coleen's rats out of the cage and put him into his play ball and then I put my foot on top the ball and snapped some pictures.  This is one is Cheesie, his brother Wheesie wasn't feeling up to getting out of the cage so we just used the one rat.


I was outside the other night when Piglet (the stray kitty we feed) sauntered over and I started taking some pictures of him.  He wasn't in the "mood" for photo's though and quickly got up and headed across the street.  I caught this shot of him just as he was starting to make his get-away!

TEXTURE: I had some other photo's (archived) that might have worked better for this prompt but I wanted to be totally current this week so I'm going with this shot.

The neighbors who live behind my mom's house have this really strange looking pet chicken.  I went outside the other night to take some photo's of it.  I love all the "texture" in it's feathers.

Okay the story behind this shot is that one of the visiting raccoons showed up the other night (no we don't live in the country) to eat the cat food on my mom's porch.  We normally chase them off but this night my daughter and I decided to go outside and try to get some pictures.  By the time we got outside the raccoon had vanished off the porch and we'd locked ourselves outside the front door.  This meant going down our dark driveway to the back door.  I made Greta go on ahead in case the raccoon was lurking in the flower beds.  Then I went inside and grabbed another flashlight as Greta said she thought she could hear the raccoon climbing the back fence. Sure enough there he was, snatching the peanuts out of the Squirrel Feeder and we caught him red handed and faced our fears of being attacked by a raccoon!

CURRENTLY:  This one was a bit of a "toughie" but here is what is currently going on in our house at night.

Yep hubby and daughter are "rock star" wanna-be's! They are both learning to play guitar and I decided to capture one of their jam sessions.  Of course they knew I was taking pictures and were trying not to laugh but they just couldn't help themselves.  Hubby was a good sport about letting me post what he said is a not so flattering picture of himself but I like it because it shows they are having a good time and that's what makes for good memories.

Next week the prompts are:  Shine, Fast, Left, Peace, Plain. - These sound a little easier.  Let's just hope I don't wait till the last minute again to find all the prompts.

Don't forget to stop by and check out the other enteries.  It's fun and you get to see some really great photos.


  1. LOL, the first one and how fun that they are doing something just for fun and together!

  2. Very nice set this week! :) Enjoyed them all!

  3. These are great, Ida! Love the beneath your feet!

  4. The jam-session photo is my favorite! Capturing great memories.

  5. These are fun - the raccoon shot is a neat capture (in more way than one). Looks like your family is enjoying their lessons - and photography session.

  6. Well the chicken and the rock stars are definite favorites this week!! Happy Weekend!

  7. Sounds like fun at your house. Really like the racoon, we have been getting "skunked" agh. Happy weekend to you Ida.

  8. Love the textures on the chicken shot and way to go getting creative for Under Your Feet. Really enjoyed your Currently shot, too . . . so fun!

  9. Gotta luv raccoons...we have squirrels that love to swing from the bird feeder.

  10. Oh how I hate raccoons, I would have been so scared!

    I would love it if you could join in with a weekly photo challenge that I co-host.

    This weeks challenge is "Water"

  11. Great interpretations all the way through - i think my favorite is your last shot.

  12. Oh that raccoon! I have a friend who has to frequently trap raccoons and transport them else where because they are such a problem. They are so bold about coming near.

  13. I was laughing picturing you on the racoon escapade. Such fun. And tell your husband that the photo is flattering....and shows a great family moment. Thanks for sharing!

  14. You have quite a group of creatures around your house. Now, I'm not including your family in that statement! They look like they're have fun together!! I love the look you capture on the raccoon's face, yep, caught red-handed!!

  15. You have quite a group of creatures around your house. Now, I'm not including your family in that statement! They look like they're have fun together!! I love the look you capture on the raccoon's face, yep, caught red-handed!!

  16. Great shots. Wonderful ideas behind each. Keep up the grea shots. Thanks.

  17. That little rat could've been my "facing your fears" photo! lol But I really love raccoons! Hope you and your rockstar wannabes have a great Memorial Day weekend.... great photos!

  18. very creative set...i like all the critters and the 2 humans at the end!!

  19. These pictures are AWESOME! Love face your fears and texture especially.

  20. I really like that shot of your daughter and hubby together!

  21. I loved your set this week Ida! So much adventure and fun woven throughout!


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