Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Edit Me Challenge 2012- Wk. 23 Petunia Magic

It's time for another Edit Me Challenge
Edit Me
This week the photo for the challenge is being provided by, Kim from Mom Tried It and a great prize is being offered by Ginger from Literally Inspired

Here is the photo that we were given to edit:

Below is my Edited Version:

Here are the basics of what I did to edit the photo.  I opened the Photo on Pic Monkey and first used the Touch-Up feature to edit out the dirt specks on the Petunia.  Then I used the Clone Tool to add extra Petunia's. I also used the Touch-Up tool to change the color on the dead blossom.  Then I softened  the photo and used the Tranquil Effect.  After that I added a texture.  On Pic Monkey you can upload your own textures.  I chose Kim Klassen's Sunday texture on Hardlight at 50% (I think that is the amount I used but I didn't write down the exact percentage).  I erased the texture off the main flowers and bloom.
Then I saved the photo and went to Pixlr-O-Matic and added the Frame before saving.
You can Click on the Photo's to Enlarge if you want a larger view.

I hope you like the changes that I made. - Please visit the Edit Me Challenge blog to see what others have done with this photo.   Have a great day.


  1. Great job - I am not normally one for textured edits but this is pretty cool and I may well try it out on some of the photos I have of the kids...

    Nice :-)

  2. I like how you added in the other flowers! Very creative!

  3. I love it!!! I love how you got it to look like it's a painting!


  4. great edit Ida and adding additional petunias was clever!


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