Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flower Art and Photo Art Friday - A Birthday Rose


Today is LeAnne's (Photo's by LeAnne) and it's also Flower Art Friday on her blog.  This being her birthday she requested that people post Roses if they wanted to in honor of her birthday and the fact that the Rose is the official flower for the month of June.  -  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEANNE!

It's also Photo Art Friday on Bonnie's blog,  - Pixel Dust Photo Art where we could feature any piece of Photo Art or one with a, "Vintage" feel to it.  Bonnie even provided some great FREE textures for the challenge if we so desired to use them (and I did).  I chose to use her new texture,
Vintage Craquelure.

Here is the original photo:

This is one of my favorite roses,  It's a J&P (Jackson-Perkins) rose called, Pristine.  It is no longer available and only a portion of my original bush survived the harsh winter of 2008 but thankful it's enough to still produce gorgeous blooms like this one.

Here is my edited version:

Several different photo editing programs were used to get the finished result.
First I uploaded the original photo on Pic Monkey and uploaded Bonnie's texture:
Vintage Craquelure in Hardlight at 100% - I erased all the texture off the rose bloom.  Then I went to the special effects section and used the Sepia effect, fading to 60% to add color back to the rose and background giving it a more vintage feel.  I also added the frame using on of the new "Sketchedy" frames available.  I then saved the photo and reopened it on, Pixlr-o-matic and added their texture (Old) to further age the photo.  Then I uploaded that photo on Foto-flexer to add the sentiment.  They have a large selection of fonts there so I like to use them to add my sentiments.

I hope you like the end result as much as I do.

Please be sure to stop by both LeAnne and Bonnie's blogs to check out all the great Flower Art and Photo Art. - Take care and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Your flower is lovely and such a gorgeous rose, and love the texture with it!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. :)
    I love the vintage filter you put on this lovely photo. So pretty.

    Have a great day!


  3. Beautiful rose and texture. The font works very well :)

  4. What an amazing rose! I love the edited version too, the vintage feel is lovely.

  5. Rosor är underbara i si själv men du fick det snyggt med din redigering och texture. Ha en bra midsommar.

  6. The photo of the texture is superb, but even more so is the original, this flower conveys a really light and color of paradise, exquisite.

  7. I love the end result Ida. Just a gorgeous piece resulting from your editing skill. Thank you for sharing with Photo Art Friday!

  8. a beautiful photograph and fabulous rendering Ida!

  9. Your beautiful use of textures and the words work perfectly here :)

  10. I am calling by today from Flower Art Friday as a first time participant in this great meme, your contribution is a lovely tribute to Leanne on her Birthday.

  11. This is lovely work, Ida!

  12. Beautiful art work ... Leanne should be pleased. Your technique is complicated using many programs I am not familier with ... I have so much to learn, sigh. Thank you for the picture and the explanation

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. I love your edited version! It looks fantastic!

  14. I love this! First, I'd like to say that's probably the most beautiful rose I've ever seen. And I love the finished image. Thanks for posting your process - it's mostly stuff not available to me, but I enjoyed reading about it. And, a very nice quote.

  15. The original photo is gorgeous without the editing, but the edited one is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I also love the quote and the font you chose!!

  16. I absolutely LOVE the processing you've done on this rose. How amazing!

  17. Oh what a wonderful edit to this - and very vintage - love it!

  18. This is quite a beauty! It's a shame it's not available anymore. I absolutely LOVE your quote. And the processing is very nicely done.

  19. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes and for sharing your rose with Flower Art Friday. :) This is a beautiful composition and I love your processing! Have a great weekend!

  20. Ida this is absolutely stunning!!! Your patience to go through several programs is amazing. :) Very fine work, and it is beautiful! Calling by from LeAnne's.

  21. I was sure I left a comment about what a lovely job you have done editing your rose into a vintage piece. So pleased you shared it with Photo Art Friday.

  22. yeah, I like it very much! Well done!!!
    LG joelsuma

  23. Ida, your work here is stunning . . . and thanks for walking us through the process you followed. Over the last months I have heard you refer to picMonkey quite often and have tried out some of the stuff myself. Really enjoying it, thanks for sharing your art with us all.

  24. Your rose and the aged look is just fabulous.

  25. Absolutely lovely, stunning!!! Thanks for your visit at my place!!

  26. Wonderful treatment of this, Ida!

  27. Oh Ida, your editing is jus perfect ♥ Great job!

  28. beautiful alone and with the textures as well!


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