Thursday, June 28, 2012

Flower Art Friday - June 29, 2012


Boy has this week  month flown by quickly!  - It's time once again to bask in the beauty of Flowers over on LeAnne's blog, Photos by LeAnne.  So join me for Flower Art Friday

I have so many pictures of flowers that sometimes it's hard for me to pick which ones to use.  I had something different in mind for today but then I came across this photo in my Archives this morning and just knew I had to use it.

This is basically a SOOC (Straight Out of Camera) shot other then the Grunge Frame I added.
This is a lily in my mom's flower bed.

What's funny is that I bought this lily last year along with this one for my mom.  We were digging this spring for a spot to plant my new Bleeding Heart and accidently dug up my lily bulb, in fact we chopped it to pieces so I had to throw it out.  I was pretty sad until I found the same lily again and planted it in a spot where I have it marked so as not to dig it up again next spring.



  1. Amazing colors and SOCC to boot! Wow. Thank you for sharing this with Flower Art Friday. :)

  2. Lovely Lily, beautiful colors and delightful captures!
    Lilies have just started blooming in our garden!
    Thanks for sharing

  3. These flowers are beautiful! I love the colors! Love how you played with the picture!

  4. such interesting patterning on these beautiful lilies.

  5. Gorgeous! I've never seen one like that.

  6. wonderful shot!
    colors are amazing ...

  7. Interesting lily! I never saw such colors. Beautiful!

  8. Stunning colors! I've never seen one like this!!

  9. GORGEOUS flowers and a wonderful photo!

  10. Colors are awesome. love it!


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