Saturday, June 16, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.   It's been 14 years since my dad passed away but when Father's Day rolls around I can't help but think back on all the wonderful memories I have of my dad.  He would have loved seeing my photo's as he was always proud of the things I did.  So dad these are dedicated to your memory.  I love you always.  Your little girl.

Please join me now in the "Hunt" over on Ramblings and Photos
The prompts this week came from  Kay Rhodes

They are:  Meet Me at The Corner, Mother Nature Meets Technology,
One Step at a Time, What's Wrong with this Picture and Standing Tall.

Let me just say this was one "toughie" of a series of prompts.  However I managed to have them all completed by Thursday of this week! - I did fudge just a little on one of the prompts and used an archived photo from sometime back but hey it fit and believe me I had no clue what else to do for that particular prompt.  So with that said let's get started:

I was out with my mom, daughter and granddaughter the other day and we had stopped for some Frozen Yogurt and went to eat it at one of the local parks.  I happened to have my camera with me (imagine that!) and took this shot of the intersection near the park. - Not to creative but it fit the prompt.

This next one is actually an idea that my Granddaughter, Coleen came up with as I was struggling with this prompt.  Her mommy told her that it had to do with Mother Nature and Technology.  She wanted to know what technology was and then in an excited voice she pointed to my computer screen and some fake roses that I have sitting next to the screen.  "Grandma, it's Mother Nature (fake flowers) and Technology (Computer)."  I thought about it and told her that was a really good idea but I thought I'd use some real flowers from my garden.  She was so excited about helping her Grandma figure out one of the prompts.  Here is her idea:

You will notice the Screen Saver on the computer screen is actually of one of my photo's shared awhile back on one of the hunts.

This was taken the same day as the (Meet Me at the Corner) shot.  My daughter and granddaughter we racing back to the picnic table and I snapped a photo of them running towards me.  Looks like Coleen is winning the race, "One Step at a Time.!"

This next shot is my (Archived) shot. 

Believe me there is something definitely "wrong" about this photo...Modern Dentistry?  Now it was actually my husband being "goofy" when our daughter complained about her tooth hurting.  He prepared a special dental tray complete with Whiskey for the pain, a hammer, drills, pliers...and then I snapped this shot.   Coleen said she couldn't which we all cracked up.  It was pretty funny and made for a really interesting photo don't you think.

This is the Whitman Memoria Shaft located at the Whitman Mission where Missionaries, Marcus Whitman and his wife, Narcissa Whitman along with several others were massacred by members of the Cayuse Indian tribe in 1847.  You can read about the massacre here:

It had been awhile since I'd been to the mission and climbed the hill to the monument.  The Shaft is 27 feet high and the base of the shaft is 720 feet above sea level.  It's quite a little climb up to the monument but the view is spectacular after you reach the top.  I'll share more photo's later in the week.

Have a great day and enjoy your loved ones.


  1. Love the look on Coleen's face . . . sheer joy to be winning the race! Great standing tall.

  2. Love mother nature shot. Beautiful. I am your newest follower via the hop

  3. Nice set. Your family has a funny sense of humor. Love technology and standing tall

  4. Fun stuff for the Scavenger Hunt. Happy Sunday to you!

  5. The flowers on your desktop are definitely nature meets technology! I think I cheated on that prompt.

    Your what's wrong? picture made me laugh and cringe at the same time!

  6. Love the sense of motion you captured in your "one step at a time"....fantastic!

  7. I'm glad you had fun with the prompts. My favorite is the Mother Nature shot....really nice!!!

  8. I'm glad you had fun with the prompts. My favorite is the Mother Nature shot...Really great!

  9. Great line-up this week. And I do agree I thought it was a little tougher to gather all the images. Your nature meets technology is quite clever. And your "what's wrong with this pic" reminds me, I need to go to the dentist.

  10. Challenging prompts this week, but you did a great job. Remind me to never complain of a toothache though!

  11. You guys really have me laughing with that "at home dentistry" shot! Hey, maybe he could make some extra money on the side!! Dentists are WAY too expensive!! lol

  12. oooohhhh you did good!!! My creative juices were not flowing this week, so I did not participate!!

    These were fun and very creative!!!

  13. These are great, Ida...especially the drill. :)

  14. Great Whats Wrong...LOL!

  15. I love one step at a time - your what's wrong picture...looks totally wrong. LOL

  16. These were tough prompts! You came up with some great shots.

  17. Ha! I like your mother nature photo. What a great interpretation!


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