Saturday, August 11, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - August 12, 2012

Hi!  It's been a fairly quiet week here (for a change) which has been greatly appreciated.  I missed last weeks SHS and really felt bad about it,  In fact I didn't even have time to check out last weeks entries so I'm happy that this week was calm enough that I was able to participate and I look forward to seeing what everyone else came up with for the prompts.

Please join me over on Ashley's blog for Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  This weeks prompts were:

Mobile (as in Photo's from Mobile phones), Hanging by a Thread, Collage,
Always Look on the Bright Side and Home.

So let's get started:  Please click on photo's to enlarge.

MOBILE - First I must clarify that this prompt (almost) stumped me.  You see I have a Cell Phone and it can take pictures but I have no way of downloading them onto my computer.  I don't have a USB cable for my phone and rarely take any pictures with it anyway.  It's a very basic phone designed for one thing....making a phone call.  No texting, no games, no internet, no other frills or apps.   That's the way I like it too.  Phones are for talking on in my book and nothing more.  So what was I to do then....

This is a photo of my phone with a picture taken with the phone.  Not very clear what the photo is of (my hubby nailing a board on our floor) but you get the idea.


I've had a little "friend" all summer long in my flower bed.  He's made quite the little web and grown considerably in size since I first spotted him. 

COLLAGE - Coleen accomplished something this past week and I just had to share her achievement. 

She learned to ride her bike without the training wheels!


I took this photo of part of the school that Coleen attends the other night when we were down at the school so she could practice riding her bike.  I liked how the sun was shining on the side of the building and decided it would work for this prompt.


Normally I would probably have used a photo of our house, or something around the house like, one of the cats or Coleen but I wanted something a little different.  An idea came to me and I decided to go out today and photograph that idea.  As you enter Walla Walla from one side of town you will spot our water storage tanks and on one of them is a wonderful mural depicting things about this area.  (Wheat, Blue Mountains, Grape Vineyards, Whitman College Clock Tower, Onions, Hot Air Balloons, Marcus Whitman Hotel).  These are all things about my "Hometown" and I thought it would be fun to share them with you.

I hope you have enjoyed these photo's as much as I did taking them.


  1. Great job with these! The spider shot is very cool and I love the grain field in the last photo. Congratulations to Coleen! That's always a big deal for the kids and a nice accomplishment!

  2. I really like your images, all of them!! The mobile phone photo is truly innovative! And your kid riding her bike, I remember that feeling... congrats on the new skill! And the last one is great too! And, well, all of them! =)

  3. Wow! Fabulous photos. I started to do this week's but never finished.

  4. Love the collage, what a great achievement! Gorgeous spider picture, too!!

  5. Love that collage. What a keepsake of an exciting day! Congratulations to Coleen!!

  6. Ida, thanks so much for stopping in my little corner and becoming a follower, I love the cats, pictures, art and devotions. Colleen is a darling.

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  9. Love that last shot of the sign with all that wheat in the foreground. Really striking.

  10. Congrats to Colleen!! It made a great collage! That's a cool mural about your town! I've always been fascinated with murals!

  11. Nice job! I didn't get a chance to take any pics this week. Maybe next week.

  12. What a sweet collage, Ida. My phone is vary basic too, so I did my own thing for that prompt. You and me and how many others did a spider for "hanging by a thread" . . . your shot is very cool.

  13. Love that spider hanging by a thread! I want to come to Walla Walla and go wine tasting! have a good week.

  14. Ahh sweet Colleen is riding without training wheels..congrats. Now watch out for skinned knees. Love that you took a photo of the entrance to your town. Sounds like a great place to live!!

  15. You did it again,
    this time with a twist (home).
    Tell Coleen congratulations from one of your bloggy friends.

  16. you may not have a fancy phone but you make an amazing collage, something i can't do!!

    i use to feel the same way about phones, in december i got my iphone and i REALLY love it!!

  17. Great shots! I love the water tower picture for "home" GReat idea!

  18. What a sweet collage, Ida! And, you spider shot is amazing. Great choices for this week!

  19. A great collection, Ida. Yay for Colleen! Way to go. :)

  20. Great set this week! That spider is pretty cool ;)

  21. Oh Ida - I especially like your rendition of "Hanging By a Thread"!

  22. Hanging by a thread is an amazing shot!


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