Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Whatever" Wednesday - Glass Mosaic #1

Hello and Welcome! - For this weeks edition of Whatever Wednesday I am going to show a series of photo's of a Glass Mosaic that is located in one of our local Grade Schools.  I discovered this mosaic  last week when Coleen attended a 2 day mini Cheer leading Camp.  I'd gone to the restroom and while walking back to the Gym I happened to look into another area of the school and saw the mural on the wall.  The door wasn't locked so I went inside and boy was I glad that I did.  This mural was awesome.  I hope you enjoy the photo's.

The Artist/Creator of the mosaic mural is,  Mauricio Robalino.  You can see more of his work (including this particular mural) HERE:  The Walla Walla Mural is the 2nd one down on the page.  It has a Full Length picture of the mural (straight on) which I could not take because there just wasn't room.  Instead I have a side view that I took with my Wide-Angle lens on the camera. Click to Enlarge for a better view.

This mural measures 44 feet by 6 feet. 

This is one of my favorite panels on the mural.  I love that little green frog and the pretty pink lily next to it.

This is the end panel that you couldn't see in my first shot.  I love the pink seahorse at the top of the panel and that gorgeous flower on the end.  You can see some figures in this panel and my next shot shows a close-up of the man on the lefts face.  I love the glass used in that portion.

Isn't this Grasshopper cute! - See those little circles?  Guess what they are.  While we were there a man came by and talked to us about the mural and how it was installed and then he asked us if we'd seen the "monkeys" in the mural.  I hadn't noticed any but he started to direct us down to this panel and I caught on right away what he was referring to.  Coleen hadn't quite figured it out though....

Yep, they are mirrors and of course we were the "monkeys" in the mural!

This is that pink Seahorse that I mentioned earlier.  Don't you love all that pretty pink glass surrounded by the sea of blue. 

Finally a shot of the flower on the end of the mural.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2 if you want to see more of this fabulous piece of art.


  1. That is absolutely gorgeous! An amazing piece of art.

    I have to wonder if it was donated to the schools though as I can't imagine any grade school being able to afford it.

  2. That is fantastic! I'm glad you went out there, too.

  3. Oh this is awesome and to think it is in a school where so many can enjoy. Thanks, Ida for sharing!!

  4. This is just amazing! What an incredible artist. I love all the little bits you put in your banner. I'd love to know the history of this piece. Great work finding it and thanks for sharing! I love it!

  5. WOW!!! this is in a grade school? that's almost unbelievable. how great it would be to be a student there and get to see that every day. You've captured it beautifully Ida. so glad you shared. happy week to you.

  6. That's a gorgeous mural! I've never seen one so intricate. Beautiful!

  7. Wow! This is absolutely wonderful!! I just want to touch it, to run my fingers over it and feel the textures! I wonder how many hands have done that very thing!! I can't wait to see the rest of it! I know you were thrilled that you found this!


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