Monday, August 27, 2012

What's Unusual About Me?

Sunday I made mention of a Frog that I took a picture of at a local lake, (Bennington Lake).

Two young girls were trying to catch frogs at the lake and had nets and a cage in which to put any frogs.  Coleen and I were watching them and how excited they were when they finally caught a frog.

I asked if I could take a picture of the frog and they were happy to let me snap away.

Now this frog might seem pretty normal to you when you see this view. 

No those stripes across the frog are not markings but rather a shadow from the lid of the container they had the frog in.  I apologize for the photos not being any clearer but it was the best I could do trying to focus my lens inside the lid of the container and the frog was moving about so it was hard to focus really well.

Now you should figure out what's different about this frog in this next picture:

Did you spot the difference?

I'm a MUTANT frog.

Arrows have been drawn to point out that this frog has 2 right back legs.  A second leg was growing out of the original leg. 

Pretty weird!!


  1. Ewwww...that IS weird! I'm glad you explained about the stripes, I was wondering about them! LOL!!

  2. Interesting. It would be cool if those stripes were actually on the frog. Oh, well. I find it disturbing when deformed frogs are found. I have to wonder what is going on in the frog's environment.

  3. Eeek! Unbelievable that you happened to be there with your camera. Funny about the stripes. Great shots!


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