Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Missed Opportunity and a Save by a Friend.

Come sit down and listen to my tale of woe...

Last Tuesday (4th) as I was waiting in line at the drive thru at the Bank I glaced across at the highway and spied something I had never seen before....a Giant Potato on a bright red truck.  I'm yelling at my daughter and granddaughter to look at the giant potato while trying to fish in my purse for my camera.  Sadly the light changed and the truck moved on and I didn't get the camera out in time.  My daughter suggested trying to find and follow the truck but I figured it was on it's way out of town and I'd never be able to find it because it took forever at the bank and there was only 1 person in line ahead of me.

So after we got home I decided to Google search....Giant Potato Promotion and found out that what we had seen was none other then,  Spuddy Buddy on tour across the country.  If you click on the link you will be taken to the website about the tour.

That night our paper has a picture of the truck and I was so bummed because unbeknown to me Spuddy Buddy had actually been just down the road from the bank as one of the promotional tour stops and I missed it!  All I got was this picture from the local newspaper.

So when my good friend Teresa called I was telling her that Spuddy Buddy was going to be in her hometown that Friday and she graciously offered to go get pictures for me. 

So here are the pictures I wish I had been able to take:

That is my wonderful friend posing next to the potato in the last 2 shots.  Wasn't it great that she went the extra mile to get me some photos.  Love ya, friend.

The moral of my sad tale....Always have the camera out where you can get to it quickly instead of buried in the bottom of your purse!!!

If you want to see if this potato is headed your way besure to check out the link I gave you as there is a Tour Schedule listed there as to where they will be next.


  1. I don't know what to say. It's a giant potato on a truck. The things they will come up with to entertain us!! LOL

  2. Whaaahahaattahha..I love that potato truck!

  3. That's pretty cool!! I'm glad your friend sent you some pictures! :)

  4. And that is why I never leave home without my point & shoot. I've taken more "decisive moment" shots with it than with my Nikon DSLR.

    What a great friend you have :)



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