Saturday, September 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - September 16, 2012

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage and kick back while you join me on this weeks edition of Scavenger Hunt Sunday sponsored by Ashley (Ramblings and Photos).

This weeks prompts:  Kiss, Askew, Fragrant, Simple and Plant.

  KISS:  I couldn't decide which photo to use for this prompt so you get both!

Coleen and Callie-Jo sharing an, "Eskimo" Kiss.

Grandma giving Coleen a smooch on the cheek while trying to hold the camera in one hand and snap with the other.  That's why Coleen is looking at me so funny.


While out for a drive to photograph something else I spotted this planter in the courtyard area of an apartment complex and stopped to take a picture.  These pots certainly seem "askew" to me and quite a novel idea for a planter as well.


I love scented candles.  These are Harvest Wine scented and are very fragrant.


What's more Simple then a Penny?  - Hopefully not your thoughts huh!


I spotted this unusual looking plant while out walking this week and took several photos of it.  This one was sticking through the fence and I thought it looked pretty cool.  I believe this is Allium.  It has bright purple blooms but dries into these seed pods that resemble bursting fireworks.  You can view how to dry them HERE:

That's it for this weeks hunt.  -  Please stop by and check out the other participants.

Have a great week.


  1. Fantastic photos, Ida! The stacked flower pots are really cool. Nice macro of the penny and the Allium is beautiful!

  2. Nice Ida! I really like the alium. Have a great week. :)

  3. What a perfect picture for askew. Very creative for the penny shot. Nice job.

  4. That is some kind of askew! Can you imagine! I like your wind glass candle shot, too.

  5. Wonderful job again! The kisses are my favorite! :)

  6. That first shot is so sweet - my kitty loves to be kissed on the forehead. Nicely done with this week's words.

  7. I love the last shot! So interesting.

  8. I really like your second shot - so sweet.

  9. I really enjoyed seeing all your photos. Such a great set.

  10. Love the simple penny shot, Ida. I had lots of fun with the allium this year . . . took lots of pics and had them dried in the house for a long time. Was thinking about painting them, but when the new job came along I just recycled in the yard waste. Maybe next year I will try to get some painted.

  11. Yes, you are right about the plant. Cool to see it dried out. Love the kiss...both are sweet. Askew makes me laugh. Nice to see something different. Have a lovely week.

  12. all nice. and your simple? what a great take on the prompt!

  13. Love the kitty kiss! I thought about doing that too, but our cat can't be bothered. :)

    Cool plant!

  14. Very nice! I would like to know how they keep that askew together.

  15. Those pots in askew are so cleaver. And I really like your plant photo!

  16. I love your penny picture, so creative and the plant is so unusual. Thanks for the link.

    My friend Ann and her husband just celebrated her anniversary and she was telling me how they both cracked up as she tried to get a picture of them kissing while she held the camera. This is quite a difficult task to accomplish it seems. You did well.

  17. I love that penny for your thought ! and that is very beautiful coin also, well found in this challenge ! 1. kiss is so smooth and so very beautiful !!!
    And now I'm going to borrow your idea in the askew and I'm going to ask my husband to build that kind of thing in my garden too. That looks so excellent and cute too and different ! I think you must be a person who is doing a lot of crafts like that pic in the name of your site and those cards in the other site.
    Have a nice week !!!!

  18. I love your "simple" shot...and literally laughing over your commentary of it! So true, so true :)

  19. Ida these are all great! I need to know how they did that planter!! haha ..and I especially love the allium...I am a huge fan and have a virtual allium forest in my backyard, which I started with just one head like the one in your photo! They also look great in dried arrangements! As always, I appreciate your subtle humour and creativity!

  20. OMG I thought I had a lot of cats! Once we had 9 and one Samoyed. Ours was a blended family and I think I nearly lost my mind - although each one was special to us. Now we have one, precious, special, foundling who knows that it's her house and her family!Love your cats!

  21. Wow, those planters... I would love to have those here. Such a novel idea. I also love your Plant shot. What a great find. :)

    Have a wonderful week, Ida!


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