Saturday, September 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - September 23, 2012

Welcome! - Won't you join me for this weeks edition of Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

This weeks prompts are:  Cracked, Fallen, Ordinary Color, Bokeh and Fence.
I have to admit that I struggled with a couple of the prompts this week but managed to get them all in just not as well as I would have liked to.


There is a house up the street from us that has a Walnut tree that they just let fall to the ground for the squirrels to eat.  I spotted this one on the way to pick Coleen up from school.  Not only is the shell cracked but it's a bit smashed as well.


Out on a walk to take photos I spotted this decaying leaf where it had fallen from the tree onto the sidewalk.  I thought the colors were very striking and decided to photograph it.


I snapped this shot by accident while trying to adjust my camera settings.  See if you can figure out what this ordinary color is.

Blue Jeans!

BOKEH:  This was the hardest one for me this week.  With all the haze and ash from the fires in the central part of the state wafting our way there wasn't much sunlight in which to capture Bokeh very well.  I did get this shot the same day as the leaf photo and while it doesn't have as much bokeh as I would have liked you can still spot some in the photo.


My mom had a section of her fence repainted this week and I snapped a portion of it,  a knothole showing the neighbors metal fence (albeit a bit blurred) through the hole.

That's it for this weeks hunt.  Blogger has been giving me fits lately and it took almost 2 hours to get this post up.  Frustrating!!! - Don't forget to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants.


  1. Great interpretations! Cracked is wonderful and I love what you did for Fence, focusing on a particular spot instead of showcasing the whole fence.

  2. You did well, Ida. I like your knot hole and your bokeh is really pretty with that twinkling touch of bokeh!

  3. Fantastic pictures. I loev your fence picture. Brilliant.

    Herding Cats

  4. A very nice set of phtots. I'm going to guess the ordinary color is a pair of ordinary denim jeans.

  5. Love these - great feeling of fall!

  6. Very cool photos! Love the once of the fence.

  7. Creative view on your Fence photo! Love it.

  8. I think I liked the ordinary color which was really rather pretty.

  9. This is a great set this week! I love the touches of fall! Very clever to spot the hole in the fence with the second fence in the background!!

  10. Lovely set. I would have never guessed blue jeans. Very cool! Cracked was perfect for the prompt. Sorry about the fires, that can get old very fast. Have a wonderful week.

  11. How clever to use blue jeans for ordinary color!

  12. I love the texture of cracked and you did great with your bokeh. My favorite picture though is your ordinary color. I love it!

  13. Hey, Ida, some weeks are just like that aren't they . . . just not quite happy with the way the shots turned out. Good for you posting anyways as you never know what will speak to people. I really like the fallen leaf shot and you did great with the bokeh. Always appreciate your comments.

  14. oh i think your cracked is perfect! and jeans for ordinary color? what a great take!

  15. Excellent photos, all beautiful, the last simply masterful. A greeting.

  16. I should have thought of blue jeans for ordinary color. They are my uniform. Nice bunch of pics today!

  17. I love your new header. It says, "Fall is here!" Love it! I could just reach out and eat that smashed walnut. It looks so good. Your bokeh turned out nicely, too. Good job!

  18. You have a nice collection of photos for this week's hunt - love the macro nature of them - and especially the blue jean shot.

  19. Lots of great photos here. I really enjoyed seeing what you found on your hunt.

  20. These are all so great, Ida...but I really love the 1st and last.

    Have a wonderful week!

  21. Your fence shot is just wonderful. Fallen is a great shot reminding me winter will soon follow. Love your bokeh shot also. Thanks

  22. Great shots! The fence is my favourite too!

  23. Great set- I thought about that for cracked. Just couldn't get it together this time.

  24. Cool shots, I really like the blue jeans! :)
    Love your new header too!

  25. Wonderful photos to the different themes. I like them all. So beautiful !

  26. Oh I love the fence shot! clever! and the walnut tree... love! I grew up spending half my childhood IN a walnut tree! ha ha!

  27. Love the hole in the fence! Very creative.


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