Thursday, November 1, 2012

Photo Art Friday - November 2, 2012


Please join me on a journey to the wonderful world of Photo Art Friday

This week the optional theme was to use this awesome texture:  Cobblestone Road.

We could either use it as a texture or as a background.

I started with this picture of our adopted outside cat, Piglet

Note the steely expression in his eyes.  It's as if he was saying, "What are you looking at?"

  Here is the texture and photo combined.  I used Pic Monkey to do my editing.  First I uploaded the texture then uploaded the photo as a texture and erased out the grass and sidewalk until just the cobblestone texture was showing.  I fiddled around with color temperature and the Orton Effect as well and ended up with this:
You will note that the position of the cat has been reversed.  I am still learning how to use the "Erase" tool on Pic Monkey so bits and pieces didn't get totally erased.  Still I like how it turned out.

So I tried it again with another photo of Piglet:

I think this one is my favorite.  Which one is yours?

Blogger is NOT my friend tonight.  Almost 2 hours to get this post up. UGH!!!


  1. Den sista är också min favorit. Söt katt. Ha en trevlig helg.

  2. How I was hoping you weren't going to make me choose between two lovely pictures... soft and fluffy or still and steely! That steely look in his eyes wins x Lovely editing Ida.

  3. I think Piglet is adorable and I love that second one best :)

  4. love the last photo of Piglet

  5. Both are beautiful, but my favorite the first, I think.

  6. Okay the photos were great to begin with - but what you did with them - excellent. sandie

  7. These are beautiful and I learned something about Pic Monkey from you. I have never tried taking two pictures over and editing them together. I love the effect you attained ... and I love Piggy. Thanks ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  8. Ida you did a great job with this and love that look of your cat looking back at you... such disdain and cattiness.... Well I mean how often do cats look at us like that. Love your weeks work here!

  9. I really like BOTH of them!! Great quotes too! :)

  10. I like them both but the second shot of the kitty is just beautiful!!!

  11. oh golly, Ida, I love them both. each has such magic. I love the quotes and the way you've blended it all into such a magical piece of photo art.

  12. I love both of these, Ida!

  13. Hi Ida, Your second photo edit of Piglet is my favorite too! I haven't heard of Pic Monkey yet. I will look into it. Happy Weekend to you.

  14. great work with both. But my favourite is the first one. :)

  15. You did a beautiful job withe the cobblestone texture.
    I just love that last one.. the tones and colours are so delicate and the textures so soft. And your adopted cat is just lovely. (i am working on pics of my cat at the moment too!)

  16. I really enjoy how you've added perspective and ghostliness to an everyday cat pic!

  17. I really enjoy how you've added perspective and ghostliness to an everyday cat pic!

  18. Ida, I really like both of them too, but the second one is outstanding.. Great work!

  19. I think they are both wonderful! Great processing.

  20. i'm sorry to hear that the post was problematic but it was fun to see what you did with both images if that makes it any better.

    i had to laugh at how much friendlier Piglet looks in the second image . . . cats are so funny sometimes.
    love your quotes worked into the images as well.

    tough to pick a favorite but i think maybe the second one, if only because Piglet looks like he wants his tummy to get a little rub.


  21. Ohmygosh, Piglet is precious! His expressions are priceless...aren't cats funny? They always let you know that it's a privilege to be in their company. :)

    I love your processing on both images...thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

  22. I like both kitty pictures. I love cats!!
    But... the first one tells a story, as if he is about to embark on a journey.

  23. I sympathize with your Blogger problems! Thanks for persisting. Both edits are adorable - like you I am drawn to the second. Great work as always.

  24. Love your cat photos and the cat quotes too.


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