Saturday, November 17, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - November 18, 2012

Welcome! - It's been a busy week.  PT on Monday and Friday. - For those that don't know I have been having problems with my ankle and started taking PT.  They tell me I have a classic case of Achilles Tendinitis.  Let's just say it's a bit painful but the Ultra-Sound treatment and the Cortisone Medication are helping.
Oh and I survived my Dental appointment on Wednesday.  I was dreading it because I had to have a lower tooth worked on and the last time they did work on that area of my mouth they hit the Lingual nerve and I've got partial numbness (permanent) on the left side of my tongue. 

But you didn't come here for that did you?  I didn't think so.  So let's get started on the hunt.  This weeks prompts were:
Vision, Strong, Buttons, Map and Favorite Fruit.

You can view the other participants by clicking on the link to Ashley's blog, (Ramblings and Photos).

I struggled to be creative this week and to even get photos.  So some of these are archived photos or I would have had to pass on the hunt this week.

VISION: - Cat's (big or small) have keen vision.  This cougar is a statue taken at a local RV park.


I had Coleen do some "strong" poses for me using my shaker weight.  I loved this one with her tough girl look.

BUTTONS:  Not to original here but I need a button photo so this is what you get.

MAP:  Again I just wasn't all that creative this week and didn't want to take a picture of a map to post so I dug through the archives and came up with this.  It's a "picture map" layout at the Whitman Mission showing what the area looked like during the period that the Whitman's lived at the mission.

FAVORITE FRUIT:  -  Again my other Archived photo because seriously, Strawberries (my favorite fruit) are out of season here locally and I didn't want to post a picture of the store bought berries in their plastic tub so you get a picture of a Strawberry Pie that I made earlier this summer with our fresh, delicious local berries.

That wraps up another great hunt. - For my American Friends and Viewers I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving this coming week.


  1. Your Strong photo made me smile... very cool processing, too. :) That strawberry dessert looks yummy. You and my girl cannot be in the same room together if strawberries are on the menu. She'll fight you for them! :)

  2. I want to reach right into my computer and eat that strawberry pie.

  3. So sorry you're having ankle issues! Great set - Colleen is adorable with the weight and vision is great!

  4. Great entries, Ida! I had to laugh at Coleen! That's a pretty good tough face! haha!

  5. Great shots, Ida - your thumbnail intrigued me!

  6. Awesome buttons...they remind me of the button jar my mom use to have on her sewing table :)

  7. Your work is beautiful, Ida! I am always happy to see what you have been busy with!

  8. That pie looks so tasty! I know what you mean, I had a hard time with map, but alas time didn't allow for too much creativity and I had to use what I knew I had. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Coleen is too, too cute! Oh that strawberry pie looks so darn good. Archives or not, you did a very good job with this week's words.

  10. Your strong shot is GREAT! Love her tough girl attitude. LOL!

  11. I loved the map. It had an 'awesomeness' about it, and Colleen's profile could be described in the same term, as well. Good job!

  12. I hope the PT helps your feet! sandie

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! Your strawberry pie looks DELICIOUS. And I love your strong photo. She is a cutie!!!! Have a wonderful week!

  14. Oh, Ida, that shot of Coleen is just priceless. Great job!

  15. Ummm... That strawberry pie looks tasty! Clever pic of a map...

  16. Ummm... That strawberry pie looks tasty! Clever pic of a map...

  17. i LOVE the buttons~!!~they look like candy.


  18. Ida! hi!

    these photos are so cool, amazing and well done! keep up the good work. thank you for your visit to my post and thank you for the nice things you said.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Love your set this week. Fruit not only look goooood but I bet it is good to eat. Thanks

  20. I like your whole set but strong is just awesome. I'm not sure I would mess with her.

  21. I went through the Achilles tendinitis as well,,,great orthotics helped me after....Happy Thanksgiving.

  22. Good old Colleen - she can always be counted on to help out her granny!


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