Sunday, December 23, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - December 23, 2012

Welcome! - Won't you join me for the last Scavenger Hunt Sunday of 2012.
This weeks prompts:  Joy, Tangled, Silver, Guilty Pleasure and Angel.

Coleen wasn't able to get all of the prompts for this week but I am going to share the 2 that she did take pictures of first.

JOY:  She took a picture of our Christmas rug which we use as a wall hanging and then asked me to print the word "JOY" on the song book that the littlest snowman has.  She thinks they look so joyful and they make her smile with joy as well.  She hopes to do more SHS in 2013.

ANGEL: Her Sunday School teacher gave the kids Advent Calendars and this little Angel was one of the gifts from the calendar.  She worked very hard getting this picture to look exactly like she wanted it to.

Okay now here are my photos for the prompts:

JOY:  We spotted this among the many decorations in someone's yard the other night.
TANGLED:  - I decided to wear a certain pair of earring and a necklace to church this morning.  Unfortunately all I manged to wear were the earrings because this is what I found when I picked up the necklace.

Hubby worked patiently to get them untangled for me.  He must have spent about 1/2 hour working on getting all 4 necklaces untangled.  Wasn't that sweet!

Coleen picked out this Silver bird as her Christmas ornament to put on the tree this year.  I buy ornaments for her each year so she'll have a good collection by the time she grows up and has a home of her own.
GUILTY PLEASURE:  Okay I can't show you my real holiday guilty pleasure because if I made them they would be all gone by now.  I love Russian Tea Cake cookies but rarely make them because I can eat the entire batch all by myself!  Instead you get something else that is a real weakness of mine as far as resisting: Red Hot Cinnamon Taffy,  Yum!!!

ANGEL:  Spotted this one in another yard while out looking at Christmas lights. Snow added as it hasn't snowed here (yet).

Please stop by Ashley's blog (Ramblings and Photos) and check out the other participants.

Wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! - Thank you all for your wonderful comments this year and I wish peace, joy and love to you all.


  1. Lovely photos ~ have a wonderful holiday!!

  2. Well, Coleen is doing a wonderful job at taking photos. I love that she wants her pictures to look exactly right...don't we all!! Great line-up this week. I giggled at the tangled jewelry, my husband used to do the same thing for me. He had much better patience than I ever did. Merry Christmas, Ida. May your home be filled with wonder & joy!!

  3. Fun photos and Coleen did a great job on hers!
    I know what you mean about Russian Tea Cake Cookies...

  4. Happy Holidays to you, Ida...I think your grand daughter shows a lot of talent and it's great you are mentoring her in photography..
    am missing Ashley's site since I've been writing more...where does time go??;)

  5. You take wonderful pics. That taffy sounds like it would be delicious. My late mom was a pro at untangling chains/necklaces. That bird ornament is a real treasure and of course I love the angels. Hope your Christmas was delightful.


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