Saturday, December 8, 2012

Scaventer Hunt Sunday - December 9, 2012

Hi,  Yes for those wondering I'm still alive.  I've been absent from blogging for a couple of weeks now.  So much going on during the Christmas season that I just haven't had much time for blogging.  I've missed 2 weeks of Scavenger Hunt Sunday and decided this week I was going to participate if at all possible.  Some of my photo's might be a bit of a stretch for the prompts but I'm going with them anyway.

This weeks prompts were:  Season, Colorful, Weather, Silhouette and Calm.

SEASON: Tis the "season" for making and sending Christmas cards.  Part of the reason why I've been absent from the blog the last 2 weeks.  I've been making cards, 35 all different designs.  Still trying to get them mailed.


The lights between our house and my mom's make a colorful display in the neighborhood.


This sweet little squirrel braved the weather ( rain and a few snowflakes)today to eat some of the seeds and corn I put under the trees in our front parking strip.
SILHOUETTE:  Okay this one stumped me a little.  I think though my photo fits for the most part.

The trees in over the fence in our back yard look like silhouette's against the glorious sunset a few nights ago.


Same trees as above just at a different time of the day and a bit of a different grouping.  We had a lovely, calm looking day this week where the sun actually came out longer then a few minutes.  That had a calming effect on me and others longing for cheery looking skies instead of gloomy gray ones.

That's it for this week.  Be sure to stop by Ashley's blog and check out the other participants.  I hope to post again before Christmas and will try to get around to commenting on your blogs which I've also neglected to do so lately due to there just not being enough time in the day to do everything that I want to do or need to do.


  1. I love your season image! So pretty!
    And I'm glad you're back this week.

  2. I've missed the last one or two SHS also - plus some other linkys for the same reason - busy! Your cards are beautiful! And like all the lights outside your Mom's.

  3. Beautiful, Ida! That sunset silhouette is stunning!

  4. Well done on the external illumination and gorgeous tree silhouette against the sunset. Your card work is gorgeous - I'm not sure we're going to get any out this year by Christmas - perhaps after (daughter not available for pictures and I always do a picture card).

  5. Making Christmas cards is quite a job and yours is lovely. Your light display is a joy. I'm hoping to get mine up today.

  6. I know what you mean about your Christmas card and hoping you are not too busy to enjoy the holidays!!

  7. You also have a yellow silhouette like I have ! Beautiful photos and I like silhouette and weather most !!!

  8. Hi Ida, it does get a bit busy and at a time of year when we should be slowing down :) a lovely collection of seasonal shots!

  9. Ooohh, Silhouette is so, so pretty! Great set this week.

  10. I think your silhouette fits the prompt perfectly ;)

  11. I really enjoyed seeing all your photos. That silhouette shot is gorgeous.


  12. Oh, how I love Christmas cards...and the fact that you make yours is just so precious, Ida. Wonderful choices for this week!

  13. I LOVE your silhouette. WOW! I also make cards and I love the set with that reindeer in it. I made 135 of the same design. It was a wreath on an embossed woodgrain surface that made it look like the wreath was hanging on a door. I start in October and do a few every time I am idle. Ha Ha!

    It looks like you spend some time decorating outdoors, too. So nice!

  14. I think that squirrel is awful cute and that sunset is glorious..

  15. You did a good job on the prompts! :)
    I used to make cards and had a VERY extensive rubber stamp collection. Your card is beautiful!

  16. Wow! You have been very busy, Ida! Will you post all the cards you made? Miss seeing your wonderfully crafted cards...
    Love the pictures, thank you so much for sharing!

  17. Ida, you certainly have been a busy gal making all those beautiful Christmas cards, putting up lights and delighting us with heavenly skies.

    Be well and happy :)


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