Thursday, January 3, 2013

Photo Art Friday - January 4, 2012

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of my dad's passing.  It's a day that I will never forget but as time has passed the "why's" of his sudden passing have lessened and I've learned to accept that he is gone and in a better place.  I will be placing flowers with my mom on his grave today in his memory.  Love you always dad.

It's also time to join Bonnie (Pixel Dust Photo Art) for the very first Photo Art Friday of 2013. - I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.

For the first PAF Bonnie gave us the "optional" theme:  This week you have the option of showcasing a piece of photo art that features a word you have chosen to guide or inspire you for the year 2013.

I thought about this a lot and one thing kept popping into my head was about seeking,
"Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God" came to mind right away.  I looked up the word,
SEEK which used as an Intransitive Verb means:

My goal for 2013 is to seek more in all walks of my life.  In my faith to grow stronger and closer to God, in my family life to be more understanding, in my photography to grow and seek more knowledge of how to become a better photographer.  To discover new things and to be bold in that search.

Don't forget to check out all the other great Photo Art entries.  I know you won't be disappointed.  Why not take up the challenge yourself and post some Photo Art if you haven't ever tried it.


  1. Beautiful! Like your header too :)

  2. Wonderful words and photo. I wish you happy new 2013.

  3. Beautiful photo and your word is quite inspiring!!

  4. enjoy all your explorations. Best wishes for 2013.

  5. Happy New Year Ida, this is such a lovely rose, it certainly cheers up a dull morning where I am. Good luck with your word.

  6. Your word steeped in Gods word- you cannot go wrong. The rose image is perfect. I am glad PAF is back!

    Blessings for you and your family as you remember your dad.

  7. What a lovely edit to showcase your word, Ida. It looks like the cover of a magazine.

  8. Awesome post, I like your guiding word for the year. I hope your journey is successful.

  9. This year marks the 15th anniv. of my father's passing also. Bless you today as you visit with flowers.
    I love your photo and your goals for the new year. Have a very nice weekend.

  10. Your goal this year is admirable and we could all benefit from seeking those same goals. Lovely photo.

  11. An admirable goal, Ida. And you will do it well. The picture is beautiful. I look forward to following your growth.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  12. Seek and find, i think.

  13. wonderful, Ida!! I think this is a spectacular word to guide you in 2013.

  14. I like your word and photoart. Believe it or not, we sort of think alike. I also chose a rose for my art and the word "seek".

    Mine is not posted yet because I'm having problems with blogger trying to upload my photos. When the problem is fixed, I'll post mine. Better late than not at all. Thank you for sharing, Edna B.

  15. I´m sorry about your father.

    I like that rose image. When you seek you have to be prepared for what you might find.

  16. Very good word choice and I love your photo art! :)

  17. Losing a parent is so hard, Ida. I wish you comfort in your memories.

    This is truly a beautiful work of art.

  18. Ida! Grand! Yes, grand comes to mind as I read your post. My father passed on my sister's birthday, so it is hard to recall it is that day, because we are all celebratory about her birthday. I usually recall the year; 1990. My father was 42 when I was born. He lived to be 79. He had had Parkinson's Disease for 18 years. But his death was sudden, too. Just thought you would like to hear about my perception and experience, if it helps any. I love your word. I have chosen "Happiness". I genuinely feel happy lately. I haven't done a blog post on it yet but I will later.

    Happiness to you as you seek.


  19. I love your rose and your word, Ida. Although I'm not a cat person, I especially love your playful kitty photos in your banner! Thanks for visiting.

  20. Lovely photo, and SEEK is such a strong word for your years focus, and I am sure, can get you far! lovely post!

  21. and ye shall find...perfect selection, Ida, and your use of texture is just what it needed to get the message across even more;)

  22. What a lovely word and capture. Thanks for visiting me on my blog....

  23. Yes, beautiful flower, I wish you a year full of creativity.

  24. nicely done! As a new visitor to your blog I just had to go back and read a few posts - your year end group of 12 fave shots is very cool. You're a great photographer and captured some really amazing shots. I'll be back! (thanks for the visit.)

  25. I really like your picture and words. Good luck with your goals and happy new year.

  26. Lovely image and a beautiful word.


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