Saturday, March 16, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - March 17, 2013


Welcome!  Won't you join me as we go on a little hunt,  Yes, it's time to join in on the fun of Scavenger Hunt Sunday over on Ashley's blog, Ramblings and Photos.

This week in honor of St. Patrick's Day the prompts are:  Lucky, Irish, Daylight, Pot of Gold and Clover.

Now I'm not Irish but I enjoy celebrating the day and the wearin of the Green!


I'm one "Lucky" Grandma to have such a sweet and funny granddaughter.  We had a bit of fun with this photo shoot as you can see.  I must confess to going out and buying some St. Patrick's Day stuff to help with this prompt but then again I love seasonal/holiday clothing so let's just say I (needed) this shirt.

IRISH:  She's not Irish but her name is.  Coleen means "girl" in Gaelic.

                  This reminds me of the song:  When Irish Eyes are Smiling.

DAYLIGHT:  Last week most of the US went back on Daylight savings time.  So now it's dark when I get up and still pretty light out at 7:00 pm.  This shot of some of my daffodils was taken during the last daylight of the day this week.


One of my mom's decorations with his little "pot of gold."  Now if only I could find an actual pot of gold!

CLOVER:  You get 2 for this prompt.  One (archived photo) and one current.

First the archived photo.  I spotted this in the yard last summer and had to take a picture.

Now the current shot.  Again something I just couldn't resist.  It even lights up and blinks when you turn it on. The chick is Coleen's.

That's it for this week. -  Spring arrives on Wednesday and I get another year older.   I may be late in commenting on your blogs as I have a busy week planned.  Have a great week. 


  1. Fun pictures. We used to find 4-leaf clovers by the swing-sets in our yard, but since taking it down I guessing they just get mowed over.

  2. Great shots, Ida - love Lucky!

  3. What a great set! Love the picture of Coleen!

  4. I just love the photos of you with your granddaughter. And lucky you to get a shot of a real clover. Well done this week.

  5. You have a very cool granddaughter. Nice post.

    Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

  6. I LOVE the novalty items you've come by! There was nothing here in England can you believe it? You grand daughter is very pretty, I love the shot of her such a happy photo!

  7. Fun, fun, fun! This t-shirt looks so good on you, Ida! And you both with Coleen look happy!
    Really liked the cute bear that your Mom has in her garden! :)

  8. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!

  10. Great St. Pat's series. I just LOVE that little bear with the pot of gold! Happy St. Pat's Day!

  11. What wonderful shots these are, Ida.
    I especially love the mosaic.

  12. Your Granddaughter is lovely! I like those purple gloves.
    My Granddaughters live far away but I did send them a St. Patrick's package. :)
    Love the bear!
    Did you know finding a four-leaf clover is a 1 in 10,000 shot? :)

  13. what a great, fun, set. happy st. pat's day!!

  14. you are a lucky grandma and a fun one, too!

    great pics.

  15. Love your pot of gold, and I actually thought about using daffodils for my pot of gold, but they haven't bloomed yet!

  16. Lovely shot of your granddaughter!

  17. Your daffodil photo is gorgeous. I love the angle you shot at. It will be weeks till ours bloom. More snow is heading our way. You and your granddaughter look so cute together.

  18. Cute pictures! You and Coleen look like you were having a blast! :)

  19. Happy Birthday, Ida! I hope your day is very special today! <3


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