Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - April 14, 2013

Welcome!  -  If you have stopped by to see my Photo Art Friday piece click on the link.

Now without further ado won't you join me for Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

This weeks prompts:  Glow, Old, Shadow, Spring and Smile.


Took a nature walk around the neighborhood today while the sun was out (which wasn't for very long) and captured the "glow" of the sun on this lovely yellow flowering shrub.


Hieroglyphic's are "old" aren't they?

Okay this is actually a chalk drawing that Coleen drew on our driveway today (see original below) but I made it look pretty "Old" don't you think!

SHADOW:  Not to creative here and the cooperation for the photo wasn't that great either.

It's the neighbor's cat, Fluffy (the pregnant, floozy, birdkiller) and her "shadow"!


Nothing says "Spring" like the Dogwoods in bloom.


My niece and her 2 boys (my great-nephews) sharing a "smile" for the camera.

Our spring started out so nice with a beautiful week during Easter and for a couple of days afterwards.  Now it's cold, rainy, windy and did I mention cold....Come back spring...we hardly knew ye!!!


  1. That first shot is gorgeous! I don't know what that shrub is but I'd love to have one.
    Ha,ha - you fooled me with the hieroglyphic's - neat idea though.
    A pretty cat no matter her trangressions. :)
    Beautiful smiles!

    We went from a record breaking 86 Wednesday to 60 today. The wind made it feel colder.

  2. That first photo is beautiful. It sounds like Northwest Washington is having the same weather as Southeast Washington. I guess we will have to leave the state to get warm sun shine.*sigh* Or wait for June.

  3. love your glow and spring pretty!

  4. Absolutely sunny, bright, beautiful photos !!! The last photo is great. That woman glows !!!

  5. Old is so creative! Love the flowers in glow!

  6. These are all great and I really enjoyed your commentary with each.

  7. I love your hieroglyphics comment -very cute!

  8. Really love your spring shots, that yellow bush is lovely as well as your dogwood. All sweet shots, Ida!!

  9. Spring has been such a tease this year :(. Such adorable smiles in your last photo.

  10. I feel the same way about spring. Here and gone again. Our dogwoods haven't even blossomed yet o_O

    Love what you did with the chalk drawing!

  11. Great set Ida. The dogwood blooms are fabulous! I'm anxiously awaiting mine to open up. Have a glorious week.

  12. The blooms are beautiful! We don't have stuff like that just yet. You did a very good job of editing Coleen's photo! It does look old.

  13. You have more spring than we do - not barely a bud on any given tree! I'm jealous of the dogwoods & flowering bushes.
    And yes, your hieroglyphics are amazingly "old" LOL!

  14. Those dogwoods are beautiful! We don't have them up in our neck of the woods. I like the smile photo a lot!

  15. Gorgeous photos! The dogwood blooms are stunning.

  16. Great shots, Ida - love the kitty and her shadow!

  17. Kitties-love fluffy kitties!

    Your yellow shot is my favorite though.

  18. Great shadow...great clarity on the shadow

  19. Great photos, Ida! Of course, I love the flowers. My baby pink dogwood hasn't bloomed since I planted it a couple of years ago. This weekend we drove to Eugene and the native white dogwoods were blooming along the river. So pretty! I remember that gorgeous Easter weekend. It was in the 70's here. I want it to come back, too!

  20. Beautiful family with the two boys! I love the dogwoods. They always make me think of spring and they are so pretty.

  21. Wonderful photos, beautiful chalk drawing, color in flowers delicious ...!

  22. Wow -- your flowering plants are way ahead of ours. Just lovely Ida.

  23. Great shots, love the golden glow of the flowers, & that chalk turtle is very cute!

  24. Beautiful pictures, I love the dogwood. I wish we had some in our yard, they are so beautiful

  25. Beautiful pictures, I love the dogwood. I wish we had some in our yard, they are so beautiful

  26. Great Shots! My favorite is the dogwood blossoms. So pretty.

    Thanks for the comments on my photos.

    Have a great day.

  27. the dogwood is gorg-eous!!

    what awesome smiles!!

  28. Your great-nephews are so cute! Love Coleen's drawing so much! It looks amazing after your photo editing! I think you can turn it into a card. :)
    Hope spring will be back soon!


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